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Experience in Kaunas, Lithuania by Kamilė

Published by flag-lt Kamilė Krasnickaitė — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-lt Erasmus experiences Kaunas, Kaunas, Lithuania


What is it like to live in Kaunas? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Kaunas is the second city in Lithuania by size, so for sure it is a big city. Kaunas has always been the city where mostly only Lithuanians lived. Well, in recent years we have got a lot of Erasmus students from all over the world here so it is obvious difference now. Speaking about living here, it is my favorite place in Lithuania, maybe because it is my home here, maybe because I was born here, but it is very cosy, beautiful and warm (by feelings).

What is the student lifestyle like in Kaunas?

First of all, I think every student decides what kind of life he/she wants for his/her studying years. Mostly students are enjoying bars, pubs, clubs, old town here because it is very nice and cosy, everything is close. In addition, Kaunas has a lot of parks so it is one of the most favorite place to stay for students in spring or early autumn.


How much does it cost to live in Kaunas?

It depends on what kind of place student wants to stay, where, how much he/she can afford and many other aspects. Students are surprised that everything is very cheap here comparing with their countries, but they never know that Lithuanians' salary is not even close to be enough even for these "cheap" prices. So the old town is the most expensive as mostly everywhere, month can be around 400 euros, students' hostels are much cheaper but it also depends on the university.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Kaunas? Is there any advice you can give?

From my point of view, I would say that it is not difficult at all. We have a lot of websites for searching apartments, houses and etc. Also, every university, college, school will give very clear information about their possibilities and prices.

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Well, Lithuanian food is heavy one. Most of our dishes are made from potatoes, so the students who are coming from the south are not very interested in it. But everything depends on what you like. My favorite dishes are "Pink Soup" and "Balandėliai".


What places would you recommend visiting in Kaunas?

Everything if it is possible. We have a lot of stunning churches which have interesting histories and more amazing outside/inside, beautiful panaramas, places next to the biggest river "Nemunas" and lake "Kuršių Marios", the biggest shopping mall and arena in all Baltic countries, so as you see there is a lot of adventures to catch.

Is it good to eat out in Kaunas? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

Well, usually I am not eating Lithuanian food a lot, because I like to eat light, so my favorite places to have lunch or dinner are Japanese, Chinese, Greek kitchens. But if students are interested to eat Lithuanian food every day we have a lot of choices in almost every part of the city.

Is the nightlife good in Kaunas? Where is good to go?

Old town and Freedom's avenue can offer you everything in one: clubs, bars, pubs, restaurants, coffee spots, fast food, karaoke nights etc. So it is very convenient because you will come to one place and you will find everything there, I like it a lot. Also, we have the club called "Basement" where mostly only Erasmus students are coming.


What advice would you give future students heading to Kaunas?

Do not take your time dealing or thinking about what Lithuanians will think or say about you, because we are really very difficult nation. Lithuania as a country is really stunning and amazing, we have 4 seasons and a lot of beautiful places which everyone should see. So come here and enjoy your time without any worries! Good luck!

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