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Experience in Katowice, Poland by Magdalena

Published by flag-pl Magdalena Jarek — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-pl Erasmus experiences Katowice, Katowice, Poland


What is it like to live in Katowice? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Katowice is the center of Silesian life. Many people, fast life, noisy surrounding, but also entertaining. There are loads things to do, to see. Maybe there is no sea, no mountains (in close neighborhood) but you can taste the real city life.

What is the student lifestyle like in Katowice?

Being a student in Katowice is clearly awesome!


There are discounts everywhere, places to go (bars, clubs, libraries, shopping malls), you can meet students everywhere so it's easy to find new friend or ask somebody for help. People are basically really open and cheerful. In Katowice you can also find yourself in cultural mix, there are students from Korea, China, Ukraine, Spain, Portugal and many other countries coming for Erasmus.

How much does it cost to live in Katowice?

It depends on expected standards, but for example renting a single flat should cost you 250 euros (1000zł) max, a single room can be from 100 up to 200 euros (400-800zł) with bills included! Eating in restaurants is as everywhere more expensive than cooking alone but it still depends of the place, if they just prepare cheap meals you will pay up to 5 euros for dinner. In general, a dinner in a restaurant can cost you 10 up to... 25 euros in more exclusive places.

Pizza cost 5 - 10 euros for the biggest option.

The prices in supermarkets (I'm giving the average price there are also cheaper and more expensive products):

  • Roll: 0, 10 euro.
  • Bread: 1, 5 euro.
  • Bottle of water (1, 5l): 0, 5 euro.
  • Pasta: about 1 euro.
  • Meat: it depends of the kind of meat but basically it is around 5 euros per kilogram.

For bus and train month-valid ticket you will pay 20 euros.


Is it difficult to find accommodation in Katowice? Is there any advice you can give?

No, it isn't. But I advise to check on Google maps how far is it from university, sometimes it is cheaper to find something a bit remote from city center and buy a month-valid ticket, in Katowice public transport is pretty well organised. And oh, don't do pre paid before you see the apartment, in many cases the photos and descriptions are far from reality...

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

In Katowice, you can find food from all around the world.

But my advice for you is to try our Polish cooking. Barszcz, pierogi, gołąbki - sound strange but taste is delicious.

The best shot for you is to ask Polish students for Polish regional food- they will show you the best place to eat. My favourite food is Silesian traditional dinner white noodles with meat roll and white cabbage. Warning, Silesian food is really heavy for your stomach.


What places would you recommend visiting in Katowice?

Museum of technology (in every city there is a different part, for example silver mine, coal mine, old ironworks), theaters, clubs... Everything is worth seeing, for longer trip I advise to see different cities like Kraków, or see National Parks of Nature.


Is it good to eat out in Katowice? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

It's good to eat out in Katowice but not everyday (too expensive) and you can find everything from fast foods to home meals.

I love cycling, it is good to see city from bike view- you can of course rent bike for all day.

Is the nightlife good in Katowice? Where is good to go?

Nightlife is really expanded- you can go to a bar just to drink some good beer (I advise you to visit Biała Małpa (white monkey) for the best beer) or go dance to bigger clubs like Pomarańcza, Spiż. The most popular street for the nightlife is Mariacka loaded with pubs and bars in city center of Katowice.


What advice would you give future students heading to Katowice?

Relax and enjoy your big Erasmus adventure.

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