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Experience in Jena, Germany by Martin

Published by flag- Martin Roggenbuck — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-de Erasmus experiences Jena, Jena, Germany

What is it like to live in Jena? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Jena is a student town with lush green hills, a cute inner-city, and GDR suburbs.

It's definitely in a way provincial, you ride your bike 20 min out of town and you're in small villages with really old farmhouses and after a month you appear to know everybody. But it's also a very young and dynamic town due to the universities and has lots to offer.


What is the student lifestyle like in Jena?

The culture of the town I would express as "alternative". Squats that have open kitchens, parties and concerts are mostly in small venues and the bars are often a bit woody "run-down". So it's not tres-chic, but very open-hearted and free. There are many clubs in which one can participate, from politics to dancing to samba music to sports, and in summer everyone is picnicking in the park.

How much does it cost to live in Jena?

Housing is rather average to expensive. Drinks, food, services are cheap.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Jena? Is there any advice you can give?

Rather look for a shared flat, the unit only offers a small number of public housing. The common option is WG-GESUCHT or looking around at the blackboards on the campus/libraries, there are always heaps of announcements.

What is the food like? What are your favorite dishes?

Nothing really typical to say. Cheap potatoe fries.

What places would you recommend visiting in Jena?

You get a free pass for trains and buses, use them! There are heaps of nice towns and national parks you can go to for free. In Jena the hills are really nice.

Is the nightlife good in Jena? Where is good to go?

Keep your ears out and ask people once your there, that's the best way.

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