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Experience in Jena, Germany by Marie-Luise

Published by flag-de Marie-Luise Völker — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-de Erasmus experiences Jena, Jena, Germany

What is it like to live in Jena? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Jena is a small town in Thuringia, so life is easier. Besides, there are short roads to reach almost the whole village. The city has beautiful landscapes, some hills you can find around the corner. If you like to walk or do outdoor sports, these places are ideal for you.


What is the student lifestyle like in Jena?

There is a main campus in the town centre and the other locations of the FSU are nearby. In my opinion we have lots of open-minded and friendly students.

How much does it cost to live in Jena?

It depends on where you live. The rent is a little high for such a small town, but it's not too expensive. The food and drink are fine.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Jena? Is there any advice you can give?

The early bird gets the worm or something like that. Not that easy to find the perfect one.


What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

You can buy almost any kind of food here, i guess. I don't have a favorite dish. I like to eat different things.

What places would you recommend visiting in Jena?

The Planetarium, the Fuchsturm, the Paradiespark in summer, a boat trip on the Saale.

Is it good to eat out in Jena? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

That's a tough question. Jena has many different restaurants. I like Indian food and sushi and this you can get here. But my favorite spot is the Kartoffelhaus (potatohouse?). You like potatoes? Go there.

Is the nightlife good in Jena? Where is good to go?

Wagnergasse, Kassablanca. Just try things out.

What advice would you give future students heading to Jena?

Bring an umbrella with you. Not because it is raining so often, just because of my superstition that when you carry an umbrella with you, it won't rain.

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