Experience in Izmir, Turkey by Umut
What is it like to live in Izmir? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?
Yes, yes and yes. It is great to live in Izmir. My only wish is after I finish my Master study I would really like to come back to Izmir and live there for the rest of my life..
What is the student lifestyle like in Izmir?
Depends on the university you study. If it is not IZTECH, then you are really close to the city center and everything is awesome for you.
How much does it cost to live in Izmir?
Depends on the location mostly. However around maximum 200€ for person you can live in a house all by yourself so if you share it with 1 or 2 it is quite cheap..
Is it difficult to find accommodation in Izmir? Is there any advice you can give?
No it is not. Generally it only takes 2 or 3 days to find whatever you want. Local people normally helps a lot about the acommodation.
What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?
If you like sea food you will love izmir. Especially in Guzelbahce you can find really good places. Also in the center of town, there are many cheap places in Bornova or Alsancak as well.
What places would you recommend visiting in Izmir?
Alsancak and Bornova will be your mostly visited areas in the daily life. Other than that If it is summer you can always go to Çeşme or Alaçatı..
Is it good to eat out in Izmir? Can you tell us your favourite spots?
Normal. Nothing special other than what folk calls " boyoz " for breakfasts..
Is the nightlife good in Izmir? Where is good to go?
Yes. There are tons of places you would like to be in and most of the are cheap. It would take a lot of time to even try all the places. You will really really love nightlife in Izmir
What advice would you give future students heading to Izmir?
Just pack up and come. Rest will happen by itself. Do not worry about a single thing..
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