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Experience in Izmir, Turkey by neslihan

Published by flag-tr neslihan irtem — 4 years ago

0 Tags: flag-tr Erasmus experiences Izmir, Izmir, Turkey

What is it like to live in Izmir? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

Izmir is a metropolitan city in the western extremity of Anatolia and the third most populous city in Turkey, after Istanbul and Ankara. It is one of the most westernized cities in Turkey. It has a beautiful coast and amiable people.

What is the student lifestyle like in Izmir?

There are 10 different univerties in Izmir. It means that the city includes high amount of student population. Therefore students can find almost all opportunities in every part of the city and they dont have to stick on one city center.

How much does it cost to live in Izmir?

If we think all basic costs such as accommodation, transportation, nutrition etc it is around 2000 tl (600 Euro). Increases depend on how much u spend for entertainment.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Izmir? Is there any advice you can give?

No, it is not difficult to find accommodation in Izmir. You can check both houses or dormitories. If u wanna share ur house with other students, facebook pages of universities can be helpful to find. International Student Clubs of the universities can also help u about all issues.


What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Especially in the western parts of Turkey, where olive trees grow abundantly, olive oil is the major type of oil used for cooking. This area is rich in vegetables, herbs, and fish. However Turkish cuisine is so various and u can find all kind of foods in Izmir also. As a priority u must try : turkish breakfast, mantı, döner, kebap, ayran, dolma, yaprak sarma, etc.

What places would you recommend visiting in Izmir?

  • Kemeraltı bazaar (oldest bazaar of İzmir which is placed in Konak-the city center)
  • Ancient cities like Ephesus, Pergamon (u can also visit Şirince village if u go Ephesus. They are so close to eachother and Şirince is one of the cutest village of Aegean area and it is famous with its wines)
  • Tourism places such as Çeşme, Mordoğan, Foça, Seferihisar, Kuşadası.
  • Balçova Teleferik cable car that takes you up the mountain where there are picnic and barbeque facilities and offers fantastic views over Izmir.
  • Is it good to eat out in Izmir? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

    There are many different types of restaurants with their concepts or meals. Most of them are reliable and make delicious foods. Best way to learn which are best is asking some Turkish friends. They are gonna be so hospitable to show u. Besides u can use the application which is called Swarm to see people's comments about restaurants or any other places.

    Is the nightlife good in Izmir? Where is good to go?

    Nightlife is lively in Izmir. Especially Alsancak is nonstop place for that with many bars, night clubs or cafes. Althought Alsancak is the best and crowded place, Bostanlı and Bornova also can be nice choices. (+Çeşme and Kuşadası is also nice for summer period)

    What advice would you give future students heading to Izmir?

    Izmir is one of the most preferable and beautiful cities of Turkey for a student. My biggest advice is breaking down prejudices about Turkey and searching about ur curiosities own ur own.


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