Erasmus Istanbul Ticaret Universitesi
in flats and apartments Istanbul
Room for rent in 3-bedroom apartment in Firuzağa, Istanbul
14000 TL monthly
Available from 1st Jun 2025in rooms for rent in shared flats Istanbul -
in rooms for rent in shared flats Istanbul
The beautiful Island City.
ISTANBUL. Istanbul is one of the most largest cities in this world, It is of two continental city with each part located on a separate island. It has sub Areas (Adalet, Buyuk Ada) located on different Islands. Three suspended bridges...
Experience in Istanbul Commerce University, Turkey by Hussein
Generally, what is Istanbul Commerce University like? It's a university of commerce. I only advise who wish to study business, low,and economic only. The engineer department is not that perfect and it's a little bit bad of teacher and level of knowledge. Don't forget...