Erasmus Experience in Huelva, Spain by Radina
Why did you choose to go to Huelva, Spain?
Because it's in the south of Spain where it should be warmer. Huelva is close to many different and interesting places and countries like Portugal, Gibraltar, Marocco etc.
How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?
Scholarship:500 EUR/month
Additional money for traveling
What is the student lifestyle like in Huelva?
Pretty good.
Would you recommend the city and the University of Huelva to other students?
Yes, for sure!
What is the food like?
I love it!! Fish and jamon are great!
Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Huelva?
It was not easy, but OK.
How much does it cost to live in Huelva?
500-600 EUR/month
Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?
Yes, there are many language courses at the university.
Spanish is a nice and not soo difficult language, I like it a lot!!
What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Huelva from your city?
By airplain to Madrid and then by bus to Huelva is the most economical way.
Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Huelva?
In one of the bars in the city centre.
And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Huelva?
Yes. Close to Plaza de las Monjas are good restaurants.
El Sabroso offers cheap and tasty tapas and is situated close to La Merced (Campus).
What good cultural sites are there to visit?
Sevilla is very close to Huelva - just 1 hour by bus and a really pretty city. Cádiz, Córdoba etc.All the places in Andalucia are nice and cultural!!
Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Huelva in the future?
To go to Huelva as soon as possible and to share the experience with us :))
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