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Experience in Glasgow, United Kingdom by Natalia


What is it like to live in Glasgow? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

I love Glasgow due to its rough and inspiring architecture. Nightlife is one of the most amazing I've ever experienced, everyone can find something for them (if you're a fan of electronic/techno/house/dubstep - Saint Judes, Subclub, Berkeley Suite are places to be). The weather is AWFUL, so that's the major downside, apart from that I absolutely love it - it'ss best for people who don't like too crowded cities (500 000) but there's enough going on not to be bored at all.

Experiencia en Glasgow, Reino Unido, por NefiSource

What is the student lifestyle like in Glasgow?

There are 3 major unis:

  • Glasgow
  • Starthclyde
  • Calledonian

All of them have their own unions, clubs, organizations. There's always something to do!


How much does it cost to live in Glasgow?

It depends what you're looking for. My first year I lived in student halls, shared a room, but it was on campus so super close to uni buildings, gym, etc - I paid 330 a month all included. Second year I rented with two of my friends, 275 a month with no bills- it was super freezing though during the winter and we paid horrendous bills. I bet you could find something cheaper, but it takes time and some luck.

Experiencia en Glasgow, Reino Unido, por NefiSource

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Glasgow? Is there any advice you can give?

Gumtree is the best website to look for an apartment.

Just one word: enjoy your time in Glasgow.

Experiencia en Glasgow, Reino Unido, por NefiSource

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