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Experience in Gent, Belgium by Samm

Published by flag- Samm Ibrahimm — 11 years ago

0 Tags: flag-be Erasmus experiences Ghent, Ghent, Belgium

What is it like to live in Ghent? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

yes .. living in gent is like living in a secure place in this planet .. less crimes and more chancess of finding a job .. or school .. people of Gent a shy, kind , helpful and friendly .. they are shy when they dont know you .. the moment they get use to you .. com on, you enjoy sharing time with them ..

What is the student lifestyle like in Ghent?

student life style in gent is open ... gathering ,, wkend parties .. outings .. a lot .. its wounderful

How much does it cost to live in Ghent?

waw .. the most inportant question .. as a student , expecially forign students .. some times is hard .. based on living condition .. acomodation is sometimes expensive .

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Ghent? Is there any advice you can give?

for a student yes .. lots of student houses free to rent .. as you can aford the prise which is sometime high or expensive as welknow ..yes its easy to find

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

i hav no favourite dish.. i cook for my ownself .. African food .. lovely .. all invited ..hahaha

What places would you recommend visiting in Ghent?

Mesums and Galaries ..

Is it good to eat out in Ghent? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

yes why not .. is very good .. lots of places to goout eating .. like Amadious .. close to Belfast Stad Kaffe or kortmarkt .. Pampas close to Graveensteen hotel .. Italian Restourant oposite Mariot Hotel .

Is the nightlife good in Ghent? Where is good to go?

waw .. soo nice .. in gent at wkends Overpoort straat .. full of nightclubs and kaffe discos ..Charlatan and many more at St. Jacob's straat .. kortmarkt are full of disco Kaffes

What advice would you give future students heading to Ghent?

to focus on there studies 99 percent than party .. party life never ends .. you can hav fun when u achieve your Gold ..

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