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Erasmus Experience in Gent, Belgium by Milda

Published by flag-lt Milda Rimkute — 10 years ago

0 Tags: flag-be Erasmus experiences Ghent, Ghent, Belgium

Why did you choose to go to Ghent, Belgium?

The possibility to study subjects in English was one of the main reasons. I went to study European Studies, so where else, if not in Belgium, the center of the European Union, to go and study about it? Besides, I knew Gent was one of the most amazing cities with its pleasant environment and student city atmosphere, so it was an easy choice.

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

it was one semester long (around 5 months). I received a scolarship that was enough for rent and basic expenses such as food (approx. 500 euros)

What is the student lifestyle like in Ghent?

Pretty active and outgoing. Going to bars, pubs, drinking wonderful beer, eating fried fries with many different sauces. Many other cultural activities are organised for students (trips, shows, concerts).

Would you recommend the city and the University of Ghent to other students?

definnitelly yes.

What is the food like?

Food in Belgium is not so bad. If you can afford going to more expensive places or restaurants, then it can be really good. but if you're a poor student then you usually stick to student's cafeterias where you can get dishes for a reasonable price but it's a question of the quality and taste..
Belgium has some nice dishes for sure - such as meat stew with beer sauce! (Stoverij)

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Ghent?

no, i did it myself a couple of months before going to Gent, surfing the internet.

How much does it cost to live in Ghent?

Depends where you live. If it's a flat outside of the city center, it can be 200-250 euros. if it's more centraly located then prices go up.
Food costs the same. And if you want to go out very often and spend on drinks and other activities then it costs more. I'd say at least 500-600 euros per month should be necesary.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

no problem with communicating in English either at the university or in the city streets.
there are Dutch courses available of all levels at the university

What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Ghent from your city?

Plane is the best option from Lithuania.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Ghent?

Visit Overpoortstraat district - the party street, definitely will find anything you're looking for.
"Dreupelkot" bar for amasing genever shot.
"Porter hosue" in Overpoort street is the place for all the Erasmus students to hang out.
There are lots of places where they play live music.
Or simply a walk along those narrow river cannals will make you night out great.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Ghent?

can't remember anything specific. student cafes offer cheaper prices, which can be a saver sometimes.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

Gent itself is one big masterpiece!

Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Ghent in the future?

Simply enjoy your time there. And be ready for fun - it's a student city, so there's alsways something to do in Gent. Studies can be very demanding, however, but students lifestyle in Gent is far more interesting to spend all of your days studying. Take the opportunity to taste all those hundreds of kinds of beers they have in Belgium..

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