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Erasmus Experience in Gent, Belgium by Kamile

Published by flag-lt sviecianti op — 5 years ago

0 Tags: flag-be Erasmus experiences Ghent, Ghent, Belgium


Why did you choose to go to Ghent, Belgium?

I really like Belgium as a country (I've visited it before my Erasmus) and my university has a very good contract with Ugent (and Ugent has courses that I wanted to study). Also, I was choosing Flemish part of Belgium because I don't speak French (I don't speak Dutch as well but I knew that they are better at English and I was 100% right).

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

The scholarship from Erasmus+ was 400 euros/month. It is of course not enough if you want to experience your life in Gent to the fullest. My parents were sending money as well. The thing is, the scholarship only covers your rent and transportation costs (if you buy a bike or choose buses/trams)

What is the student lifestyle like in Ghent?

Gent is students' city so the lifestyle for students is amazing. You have everything you want from gyms, cinema, pubs, clubs... For me the lifestyle was (still is) crazy. I was going out almost everyday and having some amazing parties as well as chill nights just drinking beers with friends.

Would you recommend the city and the University of Ghent to other students?

For sure! The city is the best place for Erasmus students and local students are really friendly and you can speak to them in English (I thought I would have troubles meeting Belgians because I don't speak English but I have like 10 Belgian friends now).


What is the food like?

French fries! I think I ate so much junk food that I'm not going to eat it for some time when I'm back home. If you want to have a nice meal at the restaurant, it's super expensive so it's better to cook at home or go to De Bruge (students' cafeteria). Fries after a nice party is also a good idea!

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Ghent?

No, I was lucky to find a place really quickly.

How much does it cost to live in Ghent?

My rent was 330 euros/month and considering that I was going out and partying a lot I think I was spending around 400 euros on food, parties, etc. so it's around 700 euros/month.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

There was a Dutch course for 50 euros but I decided not to take it as it's impossible to learn Dutch in one semester. My Belgian friends taught me some useful (and not so useful) words and sentences. But as I said, there is no problem with speaking just English because everybody speaks it (even in supermarkets).


What's the easiest or most economical way to travel to Ghent from your city?

Plane to Brussels and then train/bus to Gent.

Where would you recommend to go on a night out in Ghent?

It really depends on what kind of music/what kind of place you enjoy the most. For me the best places were Decadance, Porters House in Overpoort (or if you really drunk - just any bar at Overpoort except for Twitch, because I hate everything about that place), Charlatan, Vooruit (they have amazing parties on Fridays/Saturdays but rather expensive), and the beers bars in the city centre (Hotsy Totsy for example).

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Ghent?

De Brug if you're a student. Also french fries place at the end of Overpoort.

What good cultural sites are there to visit?

Just walk around the city centre and you'll see all the beautiful buildings, the Castle, churches, etc.

There are also some museums.


Is there any other advice that you could give to students going to Ghent in the future?

Don't be afraid to step out your comfort zone, try to experience as much as possible, don't be shy and do crazy stuff that you will remember for the rest of your life. Erasmus is the right place to see/do everything that you've always wanted. Of course, try to make many international friends but don't forget to talk to some locals and you'll see how amazing they are. And yes, if you like to bike, definitely get a bike!

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