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Erasmus Experience in Gent, Belgium by Adaen

Published by flag- Adaen Augusto — 10 years ago

0 Tags: flag-be Erasmus experiences Ghent, Ghent, Belgium

Why did you choose to go to Ghent, Belgium?

I chose Gent because it is a beautiful city, full of students and because the university has a lot of prestige. I wanted to study for a short time at the University of Ghent!
If you like to travel a lot, Gent is too close to another countries!

How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs?

I going to be here for two semester!

What is the student lifestyle like in Ghent?

All people here are so friendly. Anyone can help you in whatever you need. Students from Gent eat sanwiches in the midle of the day and they are having dinner earlier than me, at 6 or 7 at night. In autumn at 5pm is very dark!
There are parties everydays!

Would you recommend the city and the University of Ghent to other students?

I would recommend this city because is beautiful, you can go wherever you want by bicycle ..because, you have to have a bicycle here in Gent!
Respect to the University, the most of classes last 2 o 3 hours. You can take some courses in english or courses in dutch but you can study books in english.

Did it cost you to find your accommodation in Ghent?

It's difficult because there are many students here in Gent, but I think is better to book any accommodation before you arrive to Gent. I've known some students that upon arrive to Gent, they started to look for a housing and they found residence but that is more complicated.
You can get housing in this web page, in the University Web Page and you can ask for the private housings list by e-mail to the University. In the University web page you can find some contacts to ask that.

How much does it cost to live in Ghent?

I think, if you get 400EUR per month, that is enough.

Is the language easy to get to grips with? Are there language courses available at the University?

All people in Gent speak in english, there is not problema abut that, but if you want to learn dutch language you can do it! It's cheaper for students to learn Dutch.

And for eating? Can you recommend some good restaurants in Ghent?

If you look for cheap restaurants, there are some students' restaurant! For 3EUR or 4EUR you can eat very good.

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