Travelling places

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 6 years ago

Blog: Amaze me
Tags: flag-ge Erasmus blog Georgia, Georgia, Georgia


Nowadays people like to move to different places. They like to buy different flats or houses and live there. Many of them even go to other countries and buy houses, or etc.

To my mind, it’s better to live in different places.

Firstly, living in different places gives you some knowledge about this place.

Secondly, you make new friends and relationships. Hence you don’t lose, but gain friends and that’s really good thing.

Finally, I think it’s not good to live on the same place, because everything seems drab. You can’t enjoy in life…


In conclusion, if I had to choose between living on the same place and moving to different places, I would choose the second my life not to be uniform and drab.

I have lived in Kakheti for many years and now I have moved to the capital of Georgia _ Tbilisi. And I have been in different cities in Europe and I think it's better if you don't live in just one place for all your life.


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