Getting driver's license
The introduction
Well, getting my driver’s license was pretty complicated, I mean, it had been years, that I could get it if I wanted, however, I was too lazy to do all that stuff that was needed for it, I guess, or I don’t know, I was not that keen on getting it compared to my brother, who got his driver’s license until 18, I mean, there was this law just right then newly approved, that if youngsters who were 17 years old could have some proof that they had studied the rules of driving and that they knew how to drive, they could take the exam and if passed, they could get their driver’s license. So that my brother went there in a school, that are called autoschools and things like that and he studied all those rules with explanations and he knew everything just like policemen know those rules and, perhaps, even policemen didn’t know those rules just like he knew them. I mean, once we were going to Sagarejo and police just stopped us because of something my brother did, however it was not something we could get fined, I guess, because my brother talked to that policeman and, well, he knew all those rules, and he knew that he was right and that policeman couldn’t fine us because of what he did, so that he was asking all those questions to that policeman and that policeman realized that my brother was not someone who could have been easily mistaken and he couldn’t do anything, but to release us.
Well, that’s how they work, I guess, because if one doesn’t know the rules, he can easily get fined because of something really stupid and , maybe, he doesn’t even deserve to be fined, you know. So that, one should be really careful about what he does and how he does it and should know the rules of driving, so that if some policeman tries to fine him with the reason that is not fineable, he should know that and should defend himself and not get fined.
Questions and tests
Anyways, this year I had these questionaries and stuff like that in my laptop and those lessons of driver’s license and I just used to read them and everything and, in fact, soon I knew all those rules and stuff, and just when I knew those things, they had this new law and they changed and renewed those questions and stuff and I had to study those things again, but this time there were new tests, and maybe some of them were just like the old ones, however, there were many of them changed and so that I had to study those things again. Well, there was this android app that helped me a lot, I mean, they developed this app and I had it installed in my smartphone and it was really useful, I mean, you could do those tests while offline and it was really awesome for me and everyone else trying to study for the driver’s license exams, I guess. So, whenever I had a free time, I used to do those tests and study them and then take a virtual exam and stuff like that, so I was kind of ready for the theory exam, you know. And everyone knew that, I guess, however, I still didn’t go to take the exam. I guess, I didn’t really want to drive a car or something like that. It was strange for others, because they just wished they knew those tests so that they would go to Rustavi and take the exam and then have their licenses. Well, to be honest, I knew how to drive a car, too. I mean, I used to drive my father’s car when I was a child and then I used to drive it from time to time and I knew the basics and stuff like that. People told me to go and get a driver’s license on an automatic car, however, I have never driven that kind of car, and, besides, I knew how to drive the mechanic car and if I took that exam, I would be able to drive automatic car, too, so why bother about just that automatic?! There was just this thing that I didn’t know what I was required to do on a practical exam of this driver’s license and I needed to drive that Skoda car which they have in examination track. Well, it was not that hard, because as I’ve already mentioned in another blog, there are many driver’s schools in Tbilisi and they have those types of cars and they have everything aligned there just like it is on an examination track and they can teach you everything. And they say people usually need 5 lessons in practical things and that’s it, they can go to the examination and pass it. and one hour costs 20 Laris or so. Well, at least, it cost like that where I had my two lessons.
So, it all started like that and then everyone was asking me about when I would get my driver’s license and stuff like that, however, I wasn’t really going to go and take the exam anytime soon, because I was kind of lazy, I guess. At first, I was going to go on an examination in February, as they were saying, then the days went and the time went and it was summer already and I still was not going to go on that exams and then my sister left for Germany and my brother for Bulgaria and I was there to my friend’s apartment and she said something about changing rules from the 1-st of September and about practical exam changing and adding driving a car in a city, so that it would get harder, as they said, so I thought about it and decided that I had to go on that examination until the 1-st of September. However, then I found out that this change was not going to happen until the end of this year, I mean, they were planning on that change in 2017, so that I could just relax and do whatever I wanted, however, I decided to finally take the exam and get my driver’s license, because there have been times when I was free and I could help some people out and get them somewhere, I mean, drive them somewhere, however, I didn’t have a driver’s license, so that I was doomed and I couldn’t help anyone getting anywhere. Well, that mostly was about my mother, because she needed a lift to her work and stuff like that, and there was our car parked down in the yard and I just couldn’t drive it , because if police stopped me, I wouldn’t have a driver’s license and I would have been fined with 500 Laris, you know.
Preparing for the exam
Well, preparing for the exam was kind of easy, because I already knew many of those tests and I could pass the theory exam, however, I was not really sure about that and I wondered what a shame it would be if I just went to this examination and didn’t pass it. everyone was so keen on me taking the exam, that it was kind of pressure and I couldn’t really be sure in anything, if you want to know the truth. And, of course, I needed to review all those questions that were in those tests and stuff like that, because I had to know which ones I knew exactly and which ones I didn’t.
So, it was an evening of August 29 when I sat with my laptop and started revising all those stuff that I knew. There were many questions, you know, about 1000 or so and that’s why it was difficult to revise all those stuff and it needed much time for that, and much glucose, I can say, because I remember I used to drink coffee and eat those wafers that I like and nuts in chocolate _ those are my favourite and it had been a long time since I last saw them in a supermarket and that day when I went in a supermarket to buy some wafers, I just saw those chocolate nuts stuff and I immediately bought them. Though they are kind of very sweet and you can’t really eat much of them.
Anyways, I tried my best to review all those questions and remember all of them, because it would have been a disaster if I went to that exam and couldn’t pass it, of course. And I remember, that it was something like 2 a.m. when I finished revising and decided to sleep. It was not a great idea, I can say, going to bed at that time, well, I could have easily gone to bed normally, at a normal time and get a good night’s sleep, but that’s how I did it and so that I would be asleep in the morning and on that examination, too, I guess. However, that’s why they have made coffee for people, so that when they drink it, they feel kind of energized and not asleep and stuff like that, so, I was relying on coffee in the morning and, of course, my nuts in chocolate and wafers and stuff like that, you know. And I remember this one time, we were in a queue of FLEX first tour in Tbilisi and there were many people there and there was this one guy who had his mother with him, too, and this woman had some chocolate in her hands and she was feeding this chocolate to his son and telling him that chocolate “opens minds” and that this chocolate would help him open his mind and get some good results in that test. Well, that was something that I remembered and I remember that moment before every examination, I guess. Though it’s not that great to eat chocolate before examination, if you ask me. It’s just some glucose that brain needs and you can eat anything that has glucose in it and it will have the same effect, if you want to know the truth. Some say that it’s good to chew a chewing gum until the exams and , well, people say many things, however, about that chewing gum _ I read it somewhere, that they had this research and the scientists came to that conclusion, that if you chew a chewing gum 15 minutes until the exam, you will do good in it. well, of course, if you know some things and you are not there knowing nothing and unprepared.
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Comments (1 comments)
Hi Sal!
Great blog. Many information. I am going trekking in Georgia next month. While doing so I would like to pass driving license exam. Can you help me with that? Where can I get questions to theory exam in english language?