Corn popularity in Georgia

Published by flag-ge Sal ome — 6 years ago

Blog: 2017-2018
Tags: flag-ge Erasmus blog Georgia, Georgia, Georgia


The introduction

Hello everyone, I hope, that you are all doing just fine!

In this article I want to tell you about corn and how people use it differently, however, there’s this tradition in Georgia and mostly on the seaside, that when it’s the season, it’s just corn party all over the seaside, I guess.

Well, to tell you the truth, corn is something, that many people have planted in the western Georgia and though it’s in the east , too, they don’t really have too much corn there comparing to the west. That’s why western Georgians have Mchadi instead of bread  and they usually eat it instead of bread, while the eastern parts of Georgia is well-kjnown for their Shoti, which is a bread, that has a new moon shape and is baked in Tone, which is a clay round thing, where there’s some fire in the middle and then the shoti is baked like that.


Anyways, corn is very popular in Georgia in summer and if you go to the seaside, you will be hearing its name all over the beach the whole day. It’s really an unseparable thing there.

You know, usually it’s the new and fresh corn boiled in boiling water and it’s kind of easily cooked, because you can turn the gas off after half an hour of boiling or something like that.

To be honest, I didn’t really love corn that much. But my other family members love it and they usually eat plenty of corn. We usually have some corn planted in our garden or whatever and then it grows and we can have it in summer when it’s fresh and soft. We usually have that white corn and not the yellow one, which is very popular in the USA.

So, this corn is a one year plant. You should plant it every year, if you want to have it for yourself.


Cooking corn

Well, there are two popular methods of cooking corn here in Georgia and it’s pretty easy, too, so that you just need to have some corn and that’s it, you can cook it all you want.

The thing is, you should walk into the corn plants and choose fresh things from them and break them and take them home or whatever. So, when you take the corns, then you can peel them and let those green leaves or whatever be separated from the actual corn, which is just inside of it with all of those seeds. We usually take that hair whatever it is out of the corns, too. However, people say, that it’s healthy for our body and some of them take that hairy things and put them in the water and cook them and then drink that water or something like that and they say, that it’s good for our health.

Anyways, when you peel the corn, then you should clean it and then you should take a large saucepan and prepare it. Well, the preparation process is not something crazy. It’s just putting some fresh and clean leaves of the corn into the saucepan so that the bottom can be covered by them. Then you should put the corns into the saucepan and then pour some water, so that it covers the corns and then you can still have some clean and fresh corn leaves on top of the corns, so that the corns are covered with them.


Then you can put the saucepan on the gas and wait until the water boils. After that, you can turn the gas a little bit down and wait half an hour or even for one hour for the corn to get cooked and  be ready.  I have heard, that when the water boils, it’s enough for it to be boiling for half an hour and the corn can be ready in that time. However, some people leave the corn on gas for one hour, so that it can be cooked very well.

When the corn is ready, you can take them out of the water and you can sprinkle some salt on the corn and wait a little and then you can taste it.

Another method of cooking some corn is to fry them. You know, people like going outside into the nature and having picnics and stuff like that and in those situations having some corn is a pretty good idea. While the corn is not an expensive vegetable and it’s easy to prepare and pretty good one to eat, people like to have it on their camping trips or things like that.


So, when you put up a fire in the nature and you are hungry and want to eat something hot, you can have some corn taken with you and put it into the fire just like that. You can have the corn turned around from time to time and after some time you will feel, that the corn is already cooked and that you can take it out of the fire and have it tasted. It’s a really easy way to have a meal in the nature, and, besides, this thing is really delicious, if you want to know the truth. It’s not very fried and not boiled, either, it’s something in the middle and that’s what makes it be so delicious.

Well, you should know, that eating corn is good for your health. It contains B vitamins and many other things, which are benefitable and it’s especially recommended in older people. It’s known, that it’s good for diabetes and it’s used for weight loss, too.


Other usage of corn

You know, there are some corn pieces, which are not that fresh for them to be eaten and so that people can’t use them to cook them. So, they usually have those things peeled and stored for some time, until they get all dried and stuff and then they can have the seeds separated from the cone inside. After they have done that, they can take those seeds to the mill and have them made as flour, which they call flour for Mchadi and it’s not purely ground, but it still resembles flour.

The other thing, that they do is to grind the corn seeds a little less, so that they will have some flour for Ghomi, which is another western Georgian dish, which people love very much, too, with some cheese in it. It’s kind of like bulghur, if you ask me.

You can have the seeds stored in some dry place, so that when the time comes, you can take them and plant them and the planting process is pretty fun, if you ask me. Though , some people hate it very much!


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