What to do in Funchal for free – part two

Published by flag-cz Iva Štěchová — 5 years ago

Blog: Discover Madeira
Tags: flag-pt Erasmus blog Funchal, Funchal, Portugal

Do you want to explore Funchal for free? Let us have a look at part two of this series!

Welcome to the capital city of the island – Funchal. We have already discovered some beautiful places in Funchal which are more popular or less popular among travellers through the artical What to do in Funchal for free – part one. Though, those introduced places (so far there were only three) were possible to visit either for little amount of money or even free of charge.

Today, I would like to continue the circuit walk through Funchal and show you some other places. I will keep the free of charge rule. So let us start this walk.

Mercado dos Lavradores

As we finished our walk in Rua Santa Maria last time, that will be our starting point for today. So when we pass last restaurants and pieces of art on painted door of the street, we will get to a crossroad. Let us turn right and walk some 50 metres to get to a very, very, very busy place – Mercado dos Lavradores. This building has got a light yellow colour and it is also written on top of the building, so you should find it easily. I also think you cannot miss it, because it is full of people – especially foreigners who want to visit this famous place.

I front of the building, you will see locals wearing traditional dress and selling some flowers or other Madeiran products. There are also some restaurants and tine ice-cream or “Bolo de caco” shops/bars. So if you get hungry, you know, you do not have to starve. Bolo de caco is an amazing and inexpensive snack. (It is a typical round bread with garlic butter and it costs 2,5 Euros for a big one). In fact, all around the market there are some bars (where you can also get a piece of fish in a bun for approximately 5 Euros), cafés, souvenir shops and groceries’.

At the moment, we are in front of the Mercado. When entering, you can see beautiful pictures on side walls of the entrance. Its blue colour on white tiles let you to see what a traditional lifein Madeira is about.


Picture: The picture on tiles by the entrance.

Once you pass the entrance, you will not know where to go first. In a quite large patio, there are many rows of tables where you can see as many different kinds of fruit and vegetables, as you have probably never seen in your entire life! Well, you can explore this patio area where there are also shops with souvenirs, beautiful tiny shop with chocolate where you can see different objects made of chocolate, a shop selling some traditional alcoholic drinks, cosy cafés and snack bars. If you are a gardener, you will love this basement part because you can small, see or buy many distinct flower species. You can get some seeds, bouquets of flowers or flower in soil.

Then you can also ascend to the first floor. There you can also find some fruit and vegetable departments but there are also tables with dry fruit, nuts, some spice and souvenirs. Many sellers will offer you to taste different kinds of fruit. Do not be shy, feel free to taste it. That is for free but you can also decide to buy something what you liked. Just take into account that they usually add some sugar into the open piece of fruit, so it has got sweeter taste instead of having its natural a bit acid taste. If you decide to buy something, of course, you have to pay. The prices are a bit higher than if you go to Pingo (supermarket) and get it from there. However, in the Mercado they have got also some special fruit and vegetable so you would spend a lot of time trying to find it somewhere else, perhaps. Something costs more, something costs less – you can always ask how much it would be and then decide whether you want to “invest into this experience” or not. Because to buy products in the Mercado is more like buying a unique tasting experience.


Picture: You might see some kinds of fruit for the first time.

You should not skip the furthest part from the entrance – there you can buy some fish or at least have a look how the most typical “espada” looks like. It is a long fish with huge eyes and sharp teeth. And have you ever seen a tuna which is not in a can? I mean, those who do not like fish or do not like fish being outside of sea (being fished already), skip this department.

Well, one place which is in the Mercado and is for free is a bathroom. Sometimes you just walk around a town and suddenly you need to go to a bathroom quickly, but you have no idea where. Now you know that there are some in the Mercado –in the basement and also in the first floor.

Bordal – Madeira embroidery

When finishing the passion fruit experience, I suggest you to across the street right in front of the Mercado (so you get over the river). This will take you into Rua Dr. Fernao de Ornelas (street) where you will find within ten metres a lady who will be doing embroidery outside. Make sure you are walking on the right side of the street.

Get inside, you will just ascend the stairs and will get into the first floor where there is a shop with many typical handmade embroidery products carrying a label “Madeira  Product”. You can just walk around the shop and see beautiful work that some ladies from Madeira did during two days, a few weeks or even months!

There you will also find a voucher for visiting the embroidery factory which is one floor above. The voucher is for free, so do not hesitate and save some time for this visit. It is really worth it and you feel like being a completely new world. There is a guide who explains everything. So you see what steps are needed to be done, you can touch different objects, you see a stitch calculator(yes, it exists) and some original sheets of paper with patterns that would be possible stitched on a piece of a table cloth, piece of clothes or bed linens. They also let you see how the payment process for embroidery works.


Picture: Inside the factory

I mean, if you checked the prices in the shop and thought that it cost a fortune, when you get there again after the guided visit, you will probably think it should cost even more. It is so much work to stitch and cut everything out.

Staff working in the whole building of Bordal is very sympathetic and open to talk to you if you have any doubts, questions or interest. Seriously, do not miss this free-cost but everlasting educational and cultural experience.

Praca do Municipio

Now, when you are more knowledgeable, leave Bordal and continue up the street. hen you get to the end, you might also see a table with passion fruit. I suggest you turning left and crossing  the road (so you get over another bridge (river). There you will see a large shop Bazar do Povo. It is basically a Chinese shop but they have got everything you might need (quite a good quality for low prices). In front of the shop or behind it turn right and continue up. It will take you to Praca do Município. There you can admire basalt stones which were shipshapely puzzled on the ground. There is also a main fountain in the middle of the square.

Next, you can go to the beautiful patio of the city hall where you can also find a person who usually works as a volunteer and can provide you with some information about the place, can recommend you what to do next , too, and if you have any doubts or get lost, he or she will definitely try to help you.

When being in Praca do Município (square) you should also pay attention to an outstanding building which fairly dominates to the square. It is Irgeja do Colégio (church) which is connected with a Jesuit College. If it is open, go inside and have a look. The church inside is quite dark, so for me it was completely different from churches which we have in the Czech Republic. If you want to have a commented tour with a guide, just get to the Jesuit College (on the side) and ask there. The tours are paid but they will provide you with information about the exact price.

This square is worth visiting in the evening as well because it is beautifully lit up with different colours. The place looks magical then. There are also many events happening (for free), so when in Funchal, check whether there is a concert or a special show. I got there when Carolina Deslandes’ concertwas happening. She is a very famous Portuguese singer and even though I did not know her before going to Madeira, it seems that people all around Portugal love her. The whole square was full of those who were singing with her. Oh, how lovely she seems to be. She was so sympathetic during the whole performance that I would not mind going to listen to her even if the concert was with an entrance fee.


Picture: There are many events happening for free.

There are also some cafés all around the square, so you may get into the “Madeiriense” culture and drink even five cups of coffee per day.

During the Christmas time, I also recommend you to get to this area, because there is a street full of lights where you can watch a music and light show every day.

Are we done with the Funchal walk?

No! We are definitely not done. I just mean, we have explored a little bit more about interesting places of Funchal and you might get your shoes and see it all now through your own eyes. Do not worry, next time we will continue with our (free) walking tour. I will bring you other three and free interesting spots where you may but do not have to spend a cent.

I am looking forward to showing you more soon!

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