Near the Eastern coast of Ireland, you can find a prehistoric monument that is regarded as another national symbol of Ireland: Newgrange! To get there, you have to go by bus passing various estates (see above). But it works and is worth it!

Newgrange is a large burial mound from the Neolithic era (ca 3200 BC) - that's older than the Pyramids! Being the site of many legends, it's also featured as UNESCO World Heritage site. Not only gold and ritual items were found inside, but also various bones giving hints on the builders and animals of their times. Its remoteness yet clear structure make it a very interesting place! Just bear in mind that it had to undergo a long process of reconstruction and preservation ...

As you can see, the mound was built without mortar, yet it is waterproof - imagine the skills at that time! The spiral carvings on the stone slabs represent the winds, a recurring motive in Irish national symbolism. The highlight: You can enter the burial chamber! Passing through a small tunnel, you will find yourself in the dark (unless the tour guide switches the light on) ... back in the times, they constructed the entrance in such a way that rays of light from the rising sun on the first morning after the winter solstice would enter the chamber and illuminate it to take the souls of the dead into heaven. What calculus, what preciseness! The guide will simulate this for you by switching off all lights but a main flashlight over the entrance. Awesome!

Lastly, the mound is surrounded by a garden-like area with some ruins of a gate and fallen walls as well as ritual stones. This experience was certainly a mythical highlight in Ireland! Something similar will follow in my next post ...
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