Begum Tansal Written 13 years ago
Yes Ariadna !I am interesting to.Please inform me
claudia Nateri Written 13 years ago
@marco: anche io ho già prenotato il volo da un pò e infatti in teoria il 31 dovrei arrivare... per la casa ancora non so. sto cercando di prendere le cose una alla volta perchè quest'attesa mi sta snervando...insomma rischio di partire nel secondo semestre e non mi va proprio! si ho facebook. sono iscritta al gruppo erasmus 2011-2012 però lì si parla solo di cose burocratiche , nessuno parla di affitti. mi sono iscritta anche al gruppo dell'esn di copenhagen ma non ho trovato niente di interessante. quelli dell'eilc invece mi hanno liquidata subito: mi hanno dato conferma, richiesto a mia volta conferma della mia presenza per il 4 e poi niente più! l'ostello sei sicuro ti convenga? io ho visto che costano tipo 50 euro a notte ad agosto! un botto di soldi! :/ cmq sicuramente adesso ti forniranno 'l'altra lista' e potrai contattare qualcuno per l'alloggio. Insomma incrociamo le dita perchè vada tutto bien! ciau
Ophelia Zenz Written 13 years ago
@ Joanna & Natalie
hey girls, maybe we should looking for an apartement together, I´m going to copenhagen begining of august and will stay for two semesters. As far as i know this side is serious:, we can look there but we have to pay a fee (46 €)
what are u saying?
Natalie Ros Written 13 years ago
I am totally in concerning looking for the apartement together! I will also come to copengahen at the begining of august - for the danish language course
At which University are you going to study in Copenhagen?
I looked at this website - it is in danish! 0_0 are we that good at danish? ;p
Marco Manzoni Written 13 years ago
@claudia: ti capisco benissimo, comunque al massimo tempestali di email e vedrai che un po' dovrebbero accelerare, con me ha funzionato. Io mi sono iscritto a 2 gruppi che hanno lo stesso nome Erasmus Copenhagen 2011/2012 e lì si parla di un po' di tutto, anche se in quello con più iscritti scrivono quasi tutti in spagnolo.
Per il corso mi hanno risposto seccati di guardare nella mail della KU, che però non mi hanno ancora attivato -.- ...Spero anch'io che mi mandino quella lista al più presto, in modo da mandare email a raffica..però non vedo alternative all'ostello per le prime notti, cioè dovrei avere la certezza di avere una casa dal giorno in cui arrivo per non prenotarlo e mi sembra un po' difficile..comunque no, ho trovato ostelli (su con recensioni buone e in centro sui 20 euro a notte, sei in camerate da 6/12 però per me non è un problema..Ciao!
adam Price Written 13 years ago
I think that's what i'm gonna do too Marco, I have no time to find a house in time for the 4th of August so I'm gonna just find a hostel for the first few nights. Security of belongings may be an issue in a hostel, what would be great is if a group of us could try and get the same dormitary in a hostel. Tell me any names (of hostels) that you are interested in, One closest to the danish language course would be ideal for me. I get into Copenhagen on the 3rd of August at about 7:30pm. Cheers for the info on Milan!
Marco Manzoni Written 13 years ago
I agree with you Adam, I am arriving in Copenhagen the 3rd morning. I have looked for an hostel on, it is a very good site. The course of Danish is at the facultiy of Humanities that is not in the is the location,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1920&bih=929&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl
Possible hostel could be:
which is very close the course, or
which is very high rated and in the centre of the city (2,5 km from the course), but there are many other hostel I have not looked at, even if they are more expensive. In these price are about 20 euros per night in 10/12 people dormitories..
Ophelia Zenz Written 13 years ago
@ Natalie
I´ll come too for the danish language course in august. I´m going to study on the university of copenhagen political sciene. Right now I have no idea of the danish language at all but what I have heard so far is that this side is the only serious one. I guess we have to trust in google translator ;-) the other possibility is to wait and find something in copenhagen!
Kamil K Written 13 years ago
Hi. I am attending danish language course this summer, so I am looking for apartment to rent from around 1st August. If someone needs flatmate or want to look for something to rent together, please contact me.
veronica di Written 13 years ago
@claudia,marco..ciao anch io parto ad agosto per copenhagen e sto cercando casa..solo che partire da sola m spaventa un po perche una volta li nn saprei cm cercare casa..
ertuğrul sezgin Written 13 years ago
hı everybody ı am from turkey next year ı wıll go to roskılde busıness college and ı want to stay copenhagan because ıt is far from roskılde 20 mınutes by traın ıf you want to room mate you can contact me
Marco Manzoni Written 13 years ago
@veronica: Ciao! Siamo un po' tutti nella stessa situazione..tu dove stai cercando? Io confido che l'università mi mandi la lista dei privati, se no dovrei muovermi alla cieca :S..fai anche tu il corso di danese quindi?
Pablo Fernández Written 13 years ago
Anyone interested in share appartment since august??. I'm still looking for a room, but maybe if we are more it should be easier.
I'm 23, my university is DTU and I'm going to study there for 1 year. Location for me is not a problem(cph or outskirts), but I prefer close to a train station, because DTU is not in the town. My e-mail is [email protected], please if you are interested, let me know.
Could you give some advice about finding accommodation?. Like web pages or agencies...
Greetings from Spain!
Merwan SOUACI Written 13 years ago
Hi everyone, I'm still looking for a room in Copenhagen, I'll come for the danish course in August, and then, I'll be in the Faculty of Political Sciences (University of Copenhagen). So, I think it would be easier for us to find shared-apartment in order to have "low" (I insist with my "") prices, Is there anyone who will be in the University of Copenhagen?
I'm currently living in France.
I'll be in Copenhagen the 1st of August (8h30 pm)
Sarah Fernandes Written 13 years ago
Hi! i'm new here. I'm desperately looking for a room to share with other students in Copenhagen. I'll come in September for one semester to study Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen. I have already sent a lot of emails to contact landlors thanks to the list send me by university but with a few results. How is your research proceeding?
Merwan SOUACI Written 13 years ago
I think that it is gonna be very hard to find a room before our arrival because we are not in the city, maybe the best way is to wait our arrival, to find a hostel, and to organize ourselves, between students (depending on our affinities), in order to find shared apartment!
I'm going to continue to look for a room but I think that there is this possibility if I don't find anything.
Sarah Fernandes Written 13 years ago
Yes, you are right. Now I'm looking for an hostel. Which one do you suggest me?
Marco Manzoni Written 13 years ago
Hi Sarah! Look at the previous page ;)
champfleury maoré Written 13 years ago
hi! i'm a french student and i'll be moving to copenhagen on the end of august until the end of december. I'll be studying at Copenhagen Business School.
I would be really interested into sharing a flat with other students. let me know!
Merwan SOUACI Written 13 years ago
I don't know what the better hostel is but indeed, it could be great if we go in the same hostel, of course, in the case where we have not any place to live!!!