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I want to find a house NOW!

Erasmus Copenhagen 2011 / 2012 (English)

Showing 61-80 of 190 entries

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Anyone taking tent like me and finding a nice green park in CPH?

hey guys have u found anywebsite where information about flats are in english and not in danish? 0.o

I'll take my sleeping bag..I hope it's not raining too much :)..Claudia I have tried with Google translator on dba.dk and it isn't too bad..a German student told me she has found home with boligportal.dk, it seems serious but it costs 46 euro!!

want to share too, do you still looking for a flatmate?

@marco: 46 euros only to have access to the list of houses??! are they out of their mind?? anyway today i'll try looking in that other website u suggested.
thanx :)

Nono, it's more cruel..you can watch the list of house with all the descriptions but you can't contact the landlord if you don't pay :)

and are we sure this site is safe?

I don't know..it seems an important site..anyway even if you pay you can't have the certainty to find a home..

Hi I am going to copenaghen on the second week of August until the end of December.I will do a traineeship in a company in Roskilde for Erasmus Placement Program. I'm looking for a room or share a flat in Copenaghen.I would make friends!!!!

mmm anyway i've spoken to another guy who is going there in this semester and he told me that some of his friends found house via bolig.portal so i guess it's official: it's the only one that works! :)

Hi, I'm going to copenhagen about 2ed of August and after that I'm going to study sociology at the university of copehagen! anybody elsee? ;)
I also have trouble with finding accomodation... I.m looking for roomates! :)

I'm going to Copenhagen for the 3 week presemester danish course and for the rest of the academic year, and would like to know if anyone else doing the same needs a house. Erm i know i've left it ridiculously late but only found out my results on Friday. Anyone going to the Neils bohr institute next academic year and/or are from the U.K i'd very much like to hear from you! Few things about me I'm a tennis coach and a ski instructor and errm like going out.

: )

Hi, I'm going to Copenhagen for the next semester but without language course. I'm looking for room and flatmates, if anymone's interested, let me know! :)

Hi Adam!! I'm going to study physics too :) I have not received yet the admission letter..At Niels Bohr there is a mess with application..I am quite fourious, I have written some mails and they have told me they let me know something this week..I'm arriving in Copenhagen the 3rd of August for the Danish course..I need a house too, my idea is to book an hostel for the first day and look for something on the place..are you looking for an accomodation from home?

Hi everybody! I've just come back from Cph looking for this damned flat.. Unfortunately I didn't find anything (except for a pair of freak rentals of about 13.00 dkk per month for a shared room O__O).
I've talked with a real estate agency and they told me the best site finding student accomodations is:
www.findbolig.nu [then click on "Venteliste"] ; the site works well only with Internet Explorer browser.
Obviusly this is the tipical application site, so you (we) must to attend an offer from ours kollegiet choices. But the agency told me they are very fast (max 20 days), and there are a lot of accomodations very close to the centre.
A last advice, in the accomodation research put also "frederiksberg" besides "copenhagen" (choice them from the list): this district is just a few minutes from the centre (about 2 km), but theoretically it's outside cph municipality.
Please let me know if anyone has new notices.

hi everyone i' ll be moving to copenhagen to attend CBS in jan 2012 and i'll be staying until june. anyone attending CBS? (=

Hey everyone. I'm looking for a furnished apartment 2 or 3 bedrooms is perfect. Please contact me. I'm going to study at Niels Brock College in Copenhague.
Thanks for your help

@marco: anche a me non hanno ancora mandato l'application definitiva... a un mese dalla partenza! sono nera!! ho compilato l'application online ma non mi hanno ancora mandato la conferma... senza contare che trovare casa è praticamente impossibile... ci mancavano solo loro a incasinare tutto! quindi il corso pre-semestrale lo fai anche tu? ma dentro la facoltà o in un altra sede? io lo faccio tramite l'eilc all'interno della facoltà. speriamo che questa settimana si diano da fare...

@michele: thanx MIchele. i've heard too that That website is the only one that works... of course you have to pay 48 euros in order to contatct landlords... :/ i really am hoping in 'the other list' of accomodation, which is a non official list that the faculty of copenhagen gives you when you can't really find a room by yourself and it's starting to get a little too late... and of course when everybodyelse has already found something...

@claudia: mi è arrivata ieri pomeriggio :) sono 3 settimane che sfaso (avevo anche già prenotato il volo da un pezzo), ho mandato un sacco di mail e a quasi nessuna hanno risposto..pensavo fosse un problema solo del dipartimento di fisica, comuque vedrai che arriverà. Tu hai facebook? Io sto guardando un paio di gruppi di studenti che andranno a Copenhagen l'anno prossimo, in realtà sono quasi tutti spagnoli, però si trova qualche informazione utile.
L'EILC e il corso presemestre sono la stessa cosa, infatti se vai sul sito vedi che le date e i luoghi coincidono. In più ragazza diceva che ha fatto l'application per l'EILC ed è stata respinta in quanto aveva messo nell'application online il corso presemestre. Tra l'altro nella lettera di ammissione mi dicono che sono sulla waiting list del corso, ho scritto per capire cosa intendono perchè non hanno mai parlato di posti limitati.
Tu che fai per la casa? Provi con il sito a pagamento? Io prenoto l'ostello tra qualche giorno per i primi di agosto e poi cerco sul posto una stanza..

Showing 61-80 of 190 entries

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