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Erasmus experiences Copenhagen

  • 8 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Copenhagen, Denmark by András

    Why did you choose to go to Copenhagen, Denmark? I had a strong personal interest in scandinavian culture.How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? I got a 4-month scolarship, receiving 300 euros per month.What is the...

    0 , 10 years ago
  • 6 / 10 points

    Erasmus Experience in Copenhagen, Denmark by Carolina

    Why did you choose to go to Copenhagen, Denmark? Because I wanted to try how it is to live in a Scandinavian country.How long is the scholarship? How much money do you receive to help you with living costs? It was a scholarship for just four months, and I got 800 euro...

    0 , 10 years ago
  • 7 / 10 points

    Free Mini Cruise - Oslo and Copenhagen

    Are you living in Oslo or Copenhagen and want to visit the other one? Do you want to do it for free?! It's possible! In fact while I was living in Oslo, I went to Copenhagen six times for free! I know the Erasmus Student Network or other student organizations in these...

    1 , 11 years ago
  • 9 / 10 points

    Wonderful, Wonderful Copenhagen!

    I cannot imagine having been anywhere else! The things I\'ve discovered, the way I\'ve changed and the many adventures I\'ve been on with other like-minded people also studying here have been INSANE! When you factor in the quality of the parties, you simply CANNOT find...

    1 , 14 years ago

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