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I haven't visited this website for a long time, but since I am here I am going to publish a small summary about my year in Brno in 2009-2010 that seems like it was yesterday...



Well, there is already another experience posted here so I will be brief. I suppose that it will be your first time in Brno. Brno isn't London, Paris or Rome but don't be scared at the first glance. The city is quite ugly, even though it is the second largest city in terms of inhabitants after Prague. Nonetheless, you will get to know it in no time and you will start to love it, even though in the Winter you will be very cold. During my stay, it started snowing in November, ending in March... As with everything, you end up getting used to the snow. Public transportation is one of the best I have ever used, as it is punctual, cheap and most importantly, works during the night. And I do not care if they are from Soviet times as long as they take me from one place to another.

Students in Brno


I recommend living in the dormitory, even though in other cities Erasmus students rent out flats (in Italy for example) but in Brno most Erasmus students live in the dormitories. I will tell you in a minute my experience in Vinarska, where I stayed. Pros and cons? Here you can meet people from all over the world very easily, especially Spaniards and Polish. Until last year, they used to accommodate all the Spaniards on the ground floor rooms. Some of the rooms are renovated, others are not. I got one of the old ones, and I will not lie, it was a bit crappy, but after a few days it's YOUR crap, so you end up getting used to the amenities. I never complained. The price is around 120€ plus 5€ for internet, that is quite fast.

There is a cafeteria next to the dormitory, although the food is not so good. I used to go to another cafeteria that was a bit farther away (15 minutes on the bus). This cafeteria that is close is useful during emergencies (meaning, when you are hungover, you don't have anything in the fridge and you don't want to move too much).

I talked about the supermarkets in my other experience. From Vinarska to the supermarket, you have to take a tram, which means you have to walk up and down the famous hill, which you will soon know all about. I used to have lunch in Menza (cafeteria) and have dinner and breakfast in my dorm. At Vinarska, you share a bathroom and kitchen with your roommate. The kitchen has a sink, a small refrigerator and two cooking dishes to prepare whatever you want. It is not the latest technology, but you will survive haha.

I shared a room with a Czech guy and truthfully, I have no complaints. We often drank together with his Slovak friends. I never had any problems with people staying over, even when I had friends visiting: when they passed by the receptionist with suitcases they did not say anything. I hope it is still this way...

Regarding parties and drinking, Erasmus get together on Wednesdays at Mandarin. It is a club where, on Wednesdays, you will practically only see Erasmus students... It will get a bit boring if you only go out on Wednesdays. The themed parties are amazing. One time they had a DUO PARTY and a friend and I went as Mendel and his pea (if you go to Brno, make sure you find out what Mendel is). Other places to go out and that I would recommend are Livingstone, Charlies, Metro, Fleda, Faval (where great parties are thrown) or Bastila (where a lot of Czechs go out). The Tram Party is also great, which is on a tram. Drinks, except beer, are the same as in Spain. And for a little over a euro you will get a pint of good beer.



The students from the other dormitory organised great parties too. In May or June there is also a very pretty fireworks championship and a KOMETAS ice hockey game, which is sacred.

The Czech Republic is generally a cheaper country than Spain, although prices are gradually increasing, so don't be fooled.

Something I appreciated about Brno was its location. During my Erasmus I went to 10 different countries and visited many places in the Czech Republic. It is amazing when you don't have anything to do on the weekend and you can simply take a train and spend the day at the castle or somewhere located only an hour away. Czech Republic is fuuull of castles and beautiful places. Other days you simply want to stay in your dorm, warm and curing your hangover. That depends on each one's preference. Finally, I hope this was helpful. If you have problems or doubts regarding paperwork, contact Marcela (Masaryk) who is the nicest person I have ever met and will help you will all the problems that may arise. You will love Brno, you will make friends from all over the world and you will think that Brno was the the best choice you could have made. If you have any doubts you can e-mail me (nano. [email protected]) and if you want you can add me on Facebook (Nano de Miguel). It would be a pleasure to help you.

Best of luck and hopefully we will meet there! (We are thinking of having a reunion there soon). Cheers!

Brno's location is perfect to visit other countries


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