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Experience in Bratislava, Slovakia by Filip

Published by flag-cz Filip Opaterný — 4 years ago

0 Tags: flag-sk Erasmus experiences Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia

What is it like to live in Bratislava? Would you recommend it? What is the city like?

It is like living in a big village, people tend to be open-minded and willing to help, although one should always be careful about what is happening around you, especially on Friday night.


What is the student lifestyle like in Bratislava?

A lot of affordable fun. There is always something going on.

How much does it cost to live in Bratislava?

Compared to Utrecht it is extremely cheap, especially transportation, for handicapped it is for free after dealing with a little bit of bureaucracy.

Is it difficult to find accommodation in Bratislava? Is there any advice you can give?

Although the city centre is historical, it shouldn't be a problem to find accommodation in surrounding city parts for less than 400e, most of my friends pay around 150-250/month (one pays only 50).

What is the food like? What are your favourite dishes?

Fermented goat cheese, it is a nutritious, affordable and easily digestible commodity, that is mixed with noodles and fermented cabbage makes for an exquisite dish.


What places would you recommend visiting in Bratislava?

Bratislava Castle Garden, Riverside next to and opposite of Eurovea shopping centre, park Sad Janka Kráľa, sitting on the Old Bridge during sunset/rise, KC Dunaj, Fuga, Enigma and the best tekkno/psytrance/ÚV club Teleport (Michalská 10). Surrounding forests are also a good idea, just don't get lost).

Is it good to eat out in Bratislava? Can you tell us your favourite spots?

I have celiac's, so I cook each meal myself, it is not expensive to cook for yourself, but eating out is also affordable ~5e/meal.

Is the nightlife good in Bratislava? Where is good to go?

One of the best. Definitely visit KC Dunaj and Teleport (this is an after-party club filled with unique people you will hardly find anywhere else).

What advice would you give to future students heading to Bratislava?

You can get weed in KC Dunaj, but keep it hidden in a sock in your pants, the cops are eager to search you through. Don't get drunk like a little kid... Those types are super annoying.

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