Under My Tiny Feet Part 2

flag-id Indi Sari — 0 people follow the author

Mozaic of events during my master in Membrane Engineering at the most beautiful gems of European cities

Blog posts

  • A Brief Visit to Delft and Den Haag

    Actually it supposed to only take 20 minutes from Rotterdam to Delft but due to a construction going on, I needed to wait for a bus replacement and it took me almost 1 hour to reach there. Widya, my friend picked me up in the station and we walked to her appartment. You...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Delft 5 years ago
  • Sailing to Kinderdijk from Rotterdam

    November's weather might be gloomy but did not discourage us to explore both Rotterdam and Kinderdijk in a day trip. Technically, all important cities in Netherlands is around 2 to 3 hours from Enschede so we decided not only to go to Rotterdam but also Kinderdijk. On...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Rotterdam 5 years ago
  • A day-trip to Amsterdam

    If you followed the first part of my blog, you would probably remember that I currently am living in Enschede, Netherlands, a small student city 2 hours and a half away from Amsterdam. Thanks to NS train product of NS Flex weekendvrij we can travel free on weekend just...

    1 , in Erasmus blog Amsterdam 5 years ago

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