Travelling around Greece

flag-bg Alexandrina Nikolova — 0 people follow the author

Greece is one of the best places where you can learn about the ancient people walking on the lands and is one of the best vacation destinations in...

Blog posts

  • A day trip around Thessaloniki

    As part of our trip to Greece, me and my friends decided to visit the city of Thessaloniki, which was one of the most ancient cities in Greece. It was found around the third century before the birth of Christ by Kind Cassander of Macedon and was named after his wife...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Thessaloniki 4 years ago
  • A day trip to Meteora

    I still remember approaching the city of Kalambaka and the view that was revealed in front of us, which was of the humongous stone pillars holding the ancient monasteries on top. This was the famous view of the Meteora, which was one of the most famous landmarks in...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Greece 4 years ago
  • My first time camping in Greece

    Summer is one of my favourite seasons in the year. It is warm, sunny and people tend to be more active and to spend more time outside. It is also the time when most of the people go on summer vacations with their friends or families. This time, I wanted to spend my...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Greece 5 years ago

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