Meraklijski-Nis south Serbia
Nis under Ottoman rule
It was first conquered by Ottomans in 1375 and in 1448 they take over the city for the next 245 years. Unfortunately this 2,5 century period was not a peaceful one. This is how after the first Austrian breach of Ottoman Empire, when in 1689 Austrians take over the city...
The historical development of the city aligned with the destructive events from past
These dominant historic and geographical features were not just influential in the city’s development and urban planning, but they shaped it in a way, alongside the different occupiers that tried to impose their own culture upon the local Serbian population. It is...
Niš through the Ages
Introduction to sunny South-East Niš Niš is a university city situated in the south east of Serbia. For all of you who don't know about Serbia or have never been there, it is a country of extreme contrasts, starting from temperatures, -20 ºC in the winter to 45 ºC...