What is in this blog?

Published by flag-gb London Student — 12 years ago

Blog: Everything you need to know about London!
Tags: General

What is in this blog?

This blog is to help you settle in as quickly and easily as possible to your new life in London. The first few weeks can be hard and daunting especially if you don’t know anyone else in the city so I have put together all the information you need to make sure that you have a brilliant time!

I will start off by telling you a bit about London generally, what the people are like, what the city is like etc. Then I will tell you about each university and give you some useful websites.

After this I will tell you about places to go, shops you might etc and lots of other useful information!

If there is something you want to know that I haven’t written about, please feel free to comment with your question and then I can get back to you with an answer :)

There aren't many English people on Erasmusu.com so I am setting up this blog to help students moving to London but if you are moving to England (but not London) I can also give you some information if you comment with the English city you are moving to, or, the few English people that are on Erasmusu.com can answer your questions so don't be afraid to ask! 

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