
Firstly, I would like to thank you for ingesting what you have in front of you.

If you’re currently eating something, perhaps you can acknowledge the irony.

Now back to me, darling. As this is slightly and perhaps even very slightly about me.

My name is Duncan and I am currently living in the country, France. France is a small to medium to (maybe?) large country located in the continent, Europe. In France, many people speak the language, French. In fact, French is the national language spoken here (I’m in France). The capital of France is a city called Paris. Paris is the home to a large number of people - called Parisiens. Parisiens are tall people who seem to have varying tastes in fashion yet all from the same charity shop. Parisiens speak the language, English. Not well, but they all know at least 35 of the important words.

I am currently living in this aforementioned city which I intentionally tried to avoid because of the excessive English and the unnecessary speed of the language, French. However, here I am (I’m in Paris).

Yes I am, indeed, Duncan and I like to identify myself with those in the line of work of acting. However, right now I am working (overstatement) as a Jeune Homme Au Pair for a family in the suburbs of Paris.

My reason? To learn French

Duration of time in Paris? April - Sep 2019

My French level? Determined

My religion? Christianity

My sexuality? Human-like

My host family? 4 people

My bedroom? Yes

I was hesitant to begin this blog as I feel every time I use English, I inadvertently lose my French. Therefore, I will take 20 minutes a day to feed you with my development. This is a huge sacrifice but you will, in turn, learn so much. 

Its been 20 minutes.

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