The power of mastermind group

Published by flag-vn Jen VuHuong — 7 years ago

Blog: EmpoweringLeaders journey
Tags: General

Have you ever thought about 'How ones can sustain their performance and scale their businesses?' How do they deal with the moments of doubts, fearful, lonely, We all know that development either at personal level or business level is a journey. During that journey we would feel sometimes we want to give up? How can people stay persistent in the journey? How they scale their businesses? How they increase their impact? 

They use the power of leverage. 

Leverage on others' time talents resources. They collaborate, they work with others, they have the right environment to develop themselves and their businesses, they surround themselves by linked-minded. I remember when I was a kid I had a group of 5 friends - who always supported each other and grew together - we would perform really well and support each other ...

I wish I had more mastermind group when I started my careers - that's why I decided to come here to the UK and thankfully I had a chance to meet with a lot of people like minded...It was a big change for me...Learn from them ,,having accountability ...see things in different perspectives...

That's why I create this mastermind group for you where you can be with me and other like minded people - create the collective impact on the growth of your business...

Joining this mastermind you have different advantages:

- Having group coaching every month (Jen's latest insights, breakthroughs, strategies, and results thought leadership and entrepreneurship)


- Having 30minutes free coaching one-to-one every month with me 

- Free e-book of THE BEST YOU

- Free access and post interacting in a secret facebook group 

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