The Great, Astonish Journey to Barber Shop...PART 1

Published by flag-pl Łukasz Bartkowiak — 12 years ago

Blog: Univers Erasmus planet Ljubljana
Tags: General

“The journey to barber shop”


I have done something wonderful today, I went to barber shop. For some, it might seem something obvious, but for me that was great adventure. Isn’t about that I was in a special way overgrown. I’m alive some kind of time travel..From outside, this is normal building, you can see in Ljubljana. It’s ordinary. Inside is also normally, maybe only a few furniture’s are resemble about it history.




But as soon as you talk with hairstylist, Mrs. Barbara, room is changing in time vehicle. From her, we can find out that building served hairdressers to cut hair for nearly 100 years. Furthermore, her father and grandfather was engaged in this family business. So, in front of me, was the third generation, and nice piece history of Ljubljana.

Story start with the beginning of the twenty’s century. When the Grandfather of my nice interlocutor builds this house. I this time his wife, my conversationalist grandmother lived in this area named Vić. They had a large parcel with trees. The building also was used by local butcher. So, live was passing normal way…Wait I forgot about the time before the building was make. Barbara’s grandpa, was in army, and he fight in World War I. Despite the fact that battles was not so hard, he was taken as prisoner of war to Italy. This was tough time, but fortunately to him, they need hairdressers. Because of his usefulness, it was easier for him to survive. So he comeback and built the house...


Live passing normally, they have nice clientele. It was amazing place where everyone, regardless of position, can come, sit down, play chess, talk, and finally cut hair. They had association of hairdressers, with their laws, written down in a little book. They have also contests for the best hairstyle. 

Hairstylist contest,  personnel 


Association of  hairdressers


They had also nice anecdotes, which customers like quote...

“One time was a businessmen, he had fabric of iron, he like going to hairdresser and the people like him, and they like also speak about him. He deserved it because, besides the fact that he was the owner of a factory, he built electric station for large part of district Vić. So one time, he was eating dinner in restaurant and employee approached him and sad ,,Why you eat meat when I must eat soup? Because when you eating soup you thinking about nothing, and when I eat meat I thinking what work I will give you next morning.””

Sometimes they had also litle floads caused by big clouds..

So everything could go in the old way, but accidently World War II broke out…

So, they had German occupation, people walked to work normally, but sometimes were sent to prison.

Just like one of the Barbara’s grandfather employees, often they even don’t know the reasons for detention. This is a letter of employee from jail..


“ Dear Chief,

I send you the best wishes, as well as for the most beautiful lady of the village, for Oton and Adrej. At the same time I wish you, all together, luckiest and happiest Easter holidays.

See you, Marjan”



End of part 1...

Somethink after end...

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