St Andrew´s day.
Today is November thirty (ok, i know i´m wrong, because right now I should say two days ago, but I wrote this article in spanish on 30th of November, and now I´m translating it), and I want to stop my story Erasmus in Lodz 2012/13, because today is an special day for the city and for all the country in general. Today is "Andrzejki" (in english, Saint Andrew), and although "wikipedia" just say in spanish version that "it's an old Polish tradition in which women come together and try to figure out what the future shows". I'll explain some more interesting things.
Firstly, I would like to talk about who was Saint Andrew, before talking about an specific Erasmus issue. Saint Andrew is very popular for Catholic people who should understand some about him, and they should know too that Andrew was not an ordinary man (very well, if he has a day in the year, it´s not difficult to know that Antonio), because he was the first apostle choosen by Jesus. And as most of people at the time, he died crucified for days and transmited his religious beliefs to anyone who approached him.
But I know that with this data is impossible imagine the importance of Andrew, so... i´m going to give you some more information. Saint Andrew is important here in Poland and generally in many countries in the world, because he is the patron saint of Orthodoz Christian Church, which means that in terms of importance is similar to San Pedro, who was the patron saint of the Catholic Church. And of course, for his life, Saint Andrew is not just patron saint of Poland, also of many other places including Russia (obviously), Romania, Malta, Ukraine, Scotland (he is very important here), Wales, and I can´t forgive several regions in Spain such as Eibar and Jaen.
One of his main characteristics is his cross. He had been crucified on a cross of the form called "Crux decussata" (X-shaped cross), now commonly known as a "Saint Andrew´s Cross", which in his own words shows that it is his flag, his armor and his sword. He was the first apostle who followed Jesus, and in spite of his fame, there are many uncertainties about the origin of this polish celebration called "Andrzejki". Most of people say that the origin was in Greece, because of similarity between "Andress" (Andrew in greek) and "andro" that means husband.
On the other hand, this day of November thirty, normally not only predicts this "party" (which I'll explain in a few paragraphs later), also predicts that "Advent" is coming or has come recently. "Advent" is basically a period of twenty-one to twenty-nine days and exists to meditate and forgive (according to the Bible). This Is a Christian date and say us that is coming Christmas too. Also it marks the beginning of the liturgical year according to Christian denominations, being this time to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
So, for this reason, "Advent" and "St. Andrew's Day" are related. Is time to give up talking about historical introduction, and show you how a typical polish person enjoy this day.
As I said earlier, Saint Andrew´s day in Polish is called "Andrzejki", and we could say that it is a "party" like Halloween (people here don´t know how explain this day to a foreigner, so, the similarities between both parties are not so many), but more intimate and domestic. This date is based on divinations and witchcraft, but especially in the brand of love (also in other brands, but not as popular). Although women are people who do this kind of games, because the idea of "Andrzejki" is let women know somenthing of her next husband, his appearance, and even, why not, his job. Nowadays, some men continue this tradition and play some distinctive "games" to see who will be his future wife. The truth is that men have another date for something similar to this, Saint Catherine's Day (November 24) but it is much less famous, so I prefer to make the article in this more special day.
I would like to make clear one thing, if you want to do any of next games that i´m going to explain, and you want to know some information about your future partner, you must play "games" for yourself, because the result depends on who is doing the game (and of course, don´t do many times every game to see if it´s works or not hope different results).
Note: I´ll call "game" to every action that we have to do with different steps, to know more information about our future husband or wife.
1 - The wax´s game: it´s the most typical "game" historically and actually too, and it´s necessary to realize it hot wax (for example take it from a candle). You have to throw wax in the hollow of a key and put it in a bowl of cold water. Now, you must just wait it solidify (calm down, this is not too long) and carefully observe how it is. This form will tell us about the future partner and although firstly it´s possible not to see anything, with a little imagination, it will be clearer. We can also see the shadow of the form we have if it's not entirely easy to see something. Some examples that you can see are: an specific letter of alphabet, which would mean the initial letter of our future partner; if you see a face, it would mean that you are going to get married in future, and of course, everyone should interprete that seeing his own life.
2 - The shoes´ game: it is the second most popular "game" in this day historically and now too, and consists in putting one shoe per turn of every person that want to know who is going to get married first. We start in the farthest wall to the door where you are (not too close to the door, if so, go away to another room), and then we will put a shoe after another in a straight line to the door. The first person (shoe) in arrive to the door will be the first in getting married.
If you are a lot of people, it´s better do the game separated and with less number of people every time. I´ll tell an example to see more simple tha game. You have to Imagine three girls that want to know who will be the first girl with the luck or misfortune of getting married. Every girl has to put off one shoe, and starting in a random way, one girl has to put her shoe looking from the farthest wall to the door. Then, another girl will do the same follow the line facing the door also. The third person repeat the process and then when the first picks up his first shoe, she will go to last shoe and put hers at first position. The game will end as I said early, when any of the three shoes croos the door and it will mean that this person is getting married first.
3 - The buttons´game: firstly, you have to put into a container six different buttons with six different colours (blue, green, white, red, black and yellow), and closing your eyes, we take one of them at random. Each color will mean how our supposed future partner will be. Also his behaviour and features. And, although most of colours are good (perhaps the worst colour is red, because in spite of your partner will be passionate, it also means that nerves will control him many times), it is always interesting to read the meaning. It would be the following, in case you want to do this "game":
- Blue: the person will be quiet and altruistic. Another feature is the sensibility and he will have much appreciation for you. Maybe you can get to bore him.
- Green: the person will be ambitious and competitive as nobody, and won´t stop many things in spite of being a risk for him. Sometimes your partner will be lovesick and in many cases you are going to embarras for his fault. Despite of this fact, sincerity and trust will make you feel relaxed.
- Red: as I said before, your partner will be very passionate but also nervous. Retailer and romantic, but with a touch of madness that sometimes can be controversial for you. You can not get bored with this couple.
- White: he will be clear and transparent as the color of the button. This person will be respect everyone and you of course. Trusting this person is not a problem. If he thinks something bad about you, he´ll say you without complications.
- Yellow: your partner will be intelligent but also unsure of himself. Many controversial moments you are going to have with him. Although generally he will be a good person, he can give you more headaches than you think, because he will be a bit arrogant.
- Black: your future couple will be stubborn but with a big heart. You will love and hate him at the same time with so many discussions. Discussions shows you insecurity, so, you should show him that does not have to worry about, and if you get it, you will live a long time of happiness with this kind of person.
4 - The roles´ game: you have to cut small pieces of paper and put many men names for women and girls names for men. Once we have all the paper cutouts, roll up well in the same way and put it under the pillow. Next morning, we will take one at random and the name will be the same of your future partner.
No cheating or putting a few names of guys you like. We must put more names, even people you do not know.
5 - The apple´s game: it is useful to find the initial of your future partner and it is very simple to do. You have to peel an apple and when you decide that it's time, throw one of those pieces behind your left shoulder to the floor. Now you will take it and try to discover what is the most similiar character. With a little imagination will be enough..
Note: the trouble with this fifth game is that characters such as "A", "O" or "H" are impossible to come out, (and so many more characters, of course, that I will not name for obvious reasons).
6 - The dog´s game: To know who will be the first person who get married, every person has to stay around a circle, and wait that dog comes someone who will be the first in getting married.
Note: obviously if the dog´s owner is included in people, the probability that dog goes to him is very very high; so, the result would not be completely true.
Finally, as you can observe, there are many games let you know about your future partner, and that it is true or not is another story, but no one tells you that it can not be. I hope you've learned about this day and that all Polish people (and Erasmus) enjoy.
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Comments (5 comments)
I Like so much :)
Did You try some of this traditional ??
I´m glad you liked! I,ve tried apple´s game, but it was impossible see anything... so... only bad luck! and you?
Eso espero