Some Interesting Facts About Brain

Published by flag-in Manoj Pradeep — 12 years ago

Blog: Day to Day Life In Tbilisi
Tags: General

Hello everyone, In here I have written some reviews, places to see, experiences that I had and also some recipes of dishes that I cooked. Today I thought why don't I add something here that is related to my field that is none other than Medicine. As a student of the Faculty of Medicine in the Tbilisi State Medical University of Georgia I would like to share with you some interesting stuffs that you would not probably know about your own body. If you already know some of the things that I mention here then Bravo.! to you. So lets get started.


There is no other organ like brain in the human body. Due to its complex structure it took many years for the scientists and the researchers to get a clear idea of what is happening inside a human's brain. Apart from all these years of inventions and advancements in technology still the Human Brain is a puzzle.

1] About 20% of the oxygen that you generally inhale during breathing is utilized by the brain, but the brain makes only 2% of the total body surface. This simply means that brain requires an abundant amount of oxygen to function normally and it is easily succeptible to oxygen insufficiency. So next time you breathe remember about the brain and of course a little about the environment.

2] We generally think that our brain functions very actively during the day when we generally do most of the work like attending lectures, hanging out with friends etc etc. But that is not the true case..! Our brain is more active in the night than the day ie, when our body turns off the brain turns on and this intense functioning of brain is also considered to be a reason that gives us pleasant dreams.

3] Speaking about the dream there is an interesting corelation between dream and IQ. Researchers have found that people who have a higher IQ dream much higher. It doesn't really mean that if you don't get dream or  you can't remember a dream you are a retard or something. Dreams only last for 2 to 3 seconds and this time is not enough for our brain to store it in our memory.

4] The brain produces the same power that can light up a 10 watt bulb, so the next time you see a cartoon where a bulb is drawn over the head do remember that it is a true story.

5] The true memory power of a human being can be really amazing, unfortunately no one uses this amazing power to a great extent. Human brain can store information much more than a collection of Encyclopedia's. To be more specific a brain can store information somewhere around 1000 terabytes. Even some of the world's largest archives haven't stored this amount of information.

6] About 80% of the brain is made up of water so the next time you feel thirsty or dehydrated keep in mind that your brain needs it plentiful.

7] Nerve cells can transmit informations as fast as 170miles/hr, that is pretty impressive as a high speed sports car and this is the reason that you feel pain instantly as you touch a hot iron. So you could always imagine that a super fast race car is present within you. However there are also few other neurons as slow as a bullock cart.

8] Till now the scientists thought that nerve cells doesn't grow and regenerate but recent research has shown that nerve cells continue to grow and regenerate throughout your life time and this findings has opened up a whole new scope in the medical field.

9] The brain does not have any kind of pain receptors therefore it doesn't  mean that brain can't feel pain. It is because the brain is highly supplied with blood vessels, connective tissues etc that can highly percieve pain.

These are some of the quite fascinating facts that I had read about brain and I would describe some interesting facts about the other body parts in my next post. Thank you all for reading.! Cheers ..!

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