One principle of interviewing participation

Published by flag-vn Jen VuHuong — 7 years ago

Blog: EmpoweringLeaders journey
Tags: General

Have you ever wondered what is one common pattern of successful negotiator or interviewee?

I have noticed the 4 key elements that have made successful interview. Anytime I screw up a conversation or an interview, I can see these elements not really there. 


  • Truth about you - both good or bad but with the positive attitude - selfawareness 
  • Reasons - why do you do what you do 
  • Uniquness - about you that provide values to others 
  • Excitement 

For example, I entered the interview for Chevening scholarship - I told them your stories from childhood how my family inspires me to have desire of going abroad. I also told them about my passion even things that I need to learn more such as from international environment. 

The truth about your uniquesness that are valuable to the scholarship sponsors, the employers. 

With excitement about investing in you. 

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