Miscellaneous facts about human body

Published by flag-in Manoj Pradeep — 5 years ago

Blog: Day to Day Life In Tbilisi
Tags: General

Hey guys how are you all? I hope I am getting more and more interested about facts so in this article I will share some facts about different parts of our anatomy that are really intresting to learn about,

  1. The colder the room you sleep in and there is a better chances that you will have a bad dream. The reason is not yet clear to the scientists but if you want to have peaceful sleep without a nightmare you just have to sleep in a little warmer way.
  2. Tears and mucous contains an enzyme called as lysozyme that breaks down the cell wall of many bacteria. This is to your advantage, as the mucous that lines your nose and throat, as well as the tears that wet your eyes are helping to prevent bacteria from infecting from infecting those areas and making you sick
  3. Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring about a gallon of water to start boiling. Our body usually spends a large amount of calories usually keeping us at a steady state of 98. 6 degree faranheit and to maintain thermal equilibrium.
  4. When we are afraid it was noted that our Earwax is secreted more than in normal state. This is due to the hormones that are secreted in our body in large amount which gives us unimaginable effects by producing the viscous sticky substance called as the ear wax but the reason for this attitude is not yet clear.
  5. Even the most ticklish friend of yours cannot tickle themselves. This is because of the fact that the brain usually predict the movement of your fingers and it process your tickle information even before your hands and it even feels before hand how the tickle feels and so it doesn't respond the same way and the scenario is entirely different if some one else is doing it for you.
  6. Human beings are the only animals who are capable of producing emotional tears. In the whole animal kingdom only human can only produce tears for emotions like sadness, grief, happiness, etc and as a matter of fact that humans are the most of all crybabies known in the wholoe world.
  7. Women are fatter than men because women burn fat much less than men. It has been recently found out that Women burn about fifty percent of her fat less than man. This is mainly due to the reproductive role of a women where she need more fat proportion in comparison with men and as a result their body stores more fat instead of burning it and they don't get rid of excess of fat than men does.
  8. Right handed people live an average of nine years life span extra than left handed people. This is not due to any medical, genetical or pathological but the fact is that most of the machinaries are meant for the use of right handed people and it may be dangerous for left handed people to use it. Because of this fact thosands of accidents and dealths occur each year.
  9. Koalas and primates are the only animals with unique finger prints. Apes, humans and koalas are unique in animal kingdom because of this finger prints on their fingers. Studies have shown that even cloned individual have unique fingerprints.
  10. The area between the bottom of the nose and the upperlip has a name and it is called as the philtrum. Scientists have yet to figure what is the pourpose of its presence but according to ancient greek myth it is assumed to be one of the erogenous place on the human body.
  11. There are about 32 million bacteria present in every inch of your skin but no need to worry because most of them are entirely harmless and some even helps to maintain the regular mechanisms of human body. These bacteria are classified as the normal human flora's.
  12. Humans just like snakes also shed the skin cell almost 27 days once i. e 12 times a year. Skin is the most important anatomical barrier and so the elments of the skin dries out and flakes out completely ones in a month to maintain its strength and withstand its strenghth. But none of us are aware of this happening of skin peeling away from our body.
  13. Approximately about 300 million cells die in the human body every minute. If you think that it is a lot of cells that die its not true because there are about 50-60 trillion cells in the human body.
  14. Skin loses about six hundred thousand particles every minute. The fact is that our skin gets constantly damaged by dryness, sunburn, pollution, dust etc but it constantly renews itself.
  15. Every day an well developed adult human being produces about 300 billion new cells. You body needs energy not only to make all your organs run but they also need energy to constantly repair and build new cells to form the building blocks of your body.
  16. Every tongue print is also unique just like finger print. So in the eyes of crime even tongue print can be used to identify a culprit.
  17. Your body has An amount of Iron content that can make a nail 3 inches long. Anyone who has ever tasted blood can know it has a slight metallic taste.
  18. The most common type of blood group is O. Blood banks find it valuable as it can be given to those with bith type A and type B blood. The rarest blood type is O-H or bombay blood due to the location of its discovery, And it has been found in less than hundred people since it was discovered.
  19. Width of arms span stertched out is the length of your whole body so your arm is a exactly of your height.
  20. human lips are very reddish in color due to the presence of a lot of capillary network underneath its skin. The blood capillaries is normally highly oxygenated and therefore its quite red in color. This explains why lips are pale when the person loses blood and why they turn blue in cold. This is because cold causes vaso constriction and so the blood losses oxygen and changes dark in color.
  21. It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 muscles to frown. So its better and an easier way to smile without working out a lot in contrary with frowning. And if had frowned and squinted for a long time then you can see that your face will get tires too much and you can do nothing to improve your mood.
  22. Babies are born with 302 bones and when they become adult their bones are reduced to 206 in their number. The reason for this is many of the bones of the children have smaller component That are not fused. This makes it easier for the babies to pass through the vaginal canal. The bones hardens and fuse together as the child grows up thus reducing its number.
  23. We are about 1 centi meter taller in the morning than in the evening. This is because of the fact cartilage in the body gets compressed because of heavy work, standing, or sitting all day and that makes you shorter a little than you were in the morning by the end of the day.
  24. The most strongest muscle in the human body is the tongue. This is due to the fact that muscle becomes weak without working out, whereas the tongue works out almost every minute and second by performing any one of its work like talking, swallowing, etc to ensure that it gets a quite good workout everyday.
  25. The hardest bone on your body is the jawbone. The nextime when someone tells you Keep your chin high at any cause that will help you to suceed please believe them that it will work.
  26. A normal one step walk will need the work of 200 muscles approximately. Depending on the way of dividing our muscle group if a single step requires take 200 muscle and you walk 10, 000 steps minimum a day imagine what is the usage of these muscle.
  27. The tooth is th epart of the human body that cannot repair itself. This is because the outer layer of the tooth is the enamel and it is a dead tissue. This the reason why the tooth cannot repair itself.
  28. It takes as long as twice to lose your muscle if you stop working out than it gains it. This is a fact that its very easy to build a new muscle tisssue and get your shape, so if anything, this fact should bea fact to workout and stay in shape and not used in contrary.
  29. Bone is stronger than steel but it is not that so your bone cannot be broken but bone has a lot of density higher than steel. The tensile strength varies but the pound for pound bone is the strongest as it wont decompose and it resists against corrosion.
  30. The feet has one quarter of all bones of the human body bones. You may not give your feet much thought but they are home to more bones tha anyother part of our body. Oue feet has almost 52 bones.
  31. The risk of the heart attack is found to be the greatest in mondays than in anyother days of the week. A research states that almost twenty in hundres of people with heart attacks die on mondays. It is believed that too much of fun in the weekend and the stress of going back to work causes it.
  32. Human beings can stay longer without food than sleep. while you might feel prepared to stay up all night partying than to give up eating. Provided there is water and average humans can survive a month or two without water. So their subcutaeneous fat tissue will do the energy need where as when a person is deprived of his sleep he goes psychic and they hallucinate and they oftentend to forget things. The longest recorded time a person had stayed awake was for 11 days.
  33. A small degree sun burn will damage the blood vessels so extensively that it takes about 4-15 months for it to return back to its normal level. So please do you sunscreen before you head out.
  34. It is found out in a recent research that 90 percentage of the diseases known to humans are happening due to excessive stress. It will also cause a series of medical condition like depression, high blood pressure and heart disease.
  35. A human head remains conscious for about fifteen to twenty seconds even after decapitated. This is due to the presence of oxygenated blood that keeps the person conscious for a few seconds.
  36. A cremated human body ash will weight about 9 pounds only. The reason behind this is the water trapped in our cells is released and this proves us a fact that about 80% of the human body weight is formed of water.
  37. Nails and hair donot grow after we die but the skin pulls back and dehydrates thus showing the hair and the scalp look shruken and look bigger in size.
  38. Your eyes are always the same size from birth but your nose and ears never stop growning throughout your life. When babies look up at you that is the size of their eyes they are going to carry with themselves through out their life.
  39. By the age of 60, 60 percent of men and women snore. If you could stay awake just because your loved one is snoring and you want to stay awake without sleeping then you will be deaf in years to come. Their snoring will be aproximately 60 decibels enough to break a concrete.
  40. A baby's head will be one quarter its total body size and by the time the baby age comes around 25 the baby head will be one eigth of its body. The legs and rest of our body will drastically gain in size but our head wont.
  41. Every human spends half an hour of their life as a single cell. All the life begin somewhere and in that some where point every human being will be single celled oraginism. The sperm and the ovum fuse forming a zygote which are sigle cells initially.
  42. Most men have erection when they are asleep every hour or hour and half during sleep. This is because most of the peoples minds and bodies are more active in sleep. The combination of blood circulation and testosterone production an cause erection.
  43. After eating too much your hearing may become less sharp.
  44. About one third of human beings have 20-20 vision. Glasses and contact wearers are in a world are in a two third of a population of less than two thirds. Vision decreases further as they age.
  45. If you saliva cannot dissolve anything you cannot taste it Or atleast the chemicals fro that substance must dissolve in to the saliva.
  46. Women are born good smellers by birth and they remain goos smellers all through out their life. Research has shown that women are able to differentiate smell better than men do and they were able to identify smell of cinnamon, vannila, citrus and coffee smells. There are an unfortunate 2 percent populations who cannot smell at all.
  47. Your nose can remember about 50, 000 different scents, while a blood hound nose may be 1 million times more sensitive than human noseand that doesn't mean that human sense of smell is useless. Human can identify variety of scents are strongly tied to memories.
  48. Even small noise can dilate the pupils and make our vision blurry. That is why watch makers and surgeons others who perform delicate manual operations are so bothered by unevited noise. The sound causes their pupils to change focus and blur their vision, making it hard to perform their job well.
  49. Everyone has a unique smell except identical twins. New borns are able to recogonize their mother through their smell and we can also pinpoint the scent of someone who is very close to us. This is due to the determination by their genetics, but its also largely due to environment, diet and personal hygiene products that create a unique chemistry for each person.
  50. A fetus aquires fingerprints at athe age of three months. Most of the human traits will start developing in embryonic change itself their fingerprints will start at 6 weeks to 13 weeks and it is one of the last thing which dissapears after death.
  51. one out of every 2000 infants had already a tooth when they born. Nursing mothers may cringe at this fact. This is a regular baby tooth that has already erupted or it is a extra tooth that will fall off before the other set of teeth appears.
  52. Babies are pound for pound stronger than ox. While a baby certainly couldn't pull a cart but if they were a size of the ox they will surely do. Babies are tiny powerful creatures with strong legs.
  53. New born babies often have blue coloured eyes at birth and ultraviolet ray exposure will then gets darkened by melanin deposition thereby revaling the babies true colour.
  54. Your teeth start growing een 6 months before you were born. While a few babies as i mention earlier were even born with teeth in place. At four to nine weeks the fetus will form teeth buds which will become baby teeth later.
  55. Three things pregnant women dream about are frogs, worms and potted plants. Preganancy hormones can cause mood swings, cravings and many other unexpected changes. Other than that there are some other women who even dream about water, giving birth and even have violent or sexually charged dreams.
  56. In one day sexual intercourse takes place 120 million times on earth. Humans are quickly proliferating species and with 4 percentage have sex on any given day.
  57. Ear wax are produced as your body's defense system to maintain good ear health. While most of the people on this earth think that ear wax is disgusting but to know that ear wax protects us from bacteria, fungi, dirt and even insects. It also cleans and lubricates the ear canal.
  58. An average person expels faluntens 14 times a day. If you think that you are very dignified to pass gas better know taht digestion process produce gas and it should be expelled if not it may get trapped in your stomach aand may cause a painful sensation and abdominal cramps.
  59. During you lifetime you will produce enough saliva to fill in three swimming pool. Saliva plays an important part in begining the digestive system and keep your mouth lubricate and is saving your mouth on a daily basis.
  60. feet have 500, 000 sweat gland that produce a pint of sweat everyday. Additionally men produce more sweat than women does and this is because sweat glands of men are more active than that of women.
  61. Almost about 75% of human waste is passed out as water and immediately you may think that it is urine but the most part of your feaces is also made of water. That water filled waste is the one which is easy to pass out and lack of water in feces results in constipation and sometimes tightens the feces so that it is painful or will even bleed when passed.
  62. A full bladder is approximately a size of a small soft ball no wonder why you have to run to the bath room when you have the natures call. Averagely a bladder holds about 400 to 800 cc of fluid, but most will want to pee at 250 to 300 cc itself.
  63. Women blink twice as that of men do. There is a lot of blinking everyday and your blinking is approximately equal to your respiratory rate which is 13 blinks per minute and it is 12-20 breaths per minute.
  64. Cough clock in at about 60 miles per hour. Viruses and cold cold spreads around office and the classroom quickly during cold and flu season.
  65. Sneezes regularly exceeds a speed of about 100 miles per hour. That is the reason why you are not able to open your eyes while you sneeze which is rocketing out of your body and this is a good reson to cover your mouth while sneezing.
  66. Adrenal gland changes its size throughout your life. The adrenal galnd lies right above the kidneys and are able to release hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. In seventh month of fetal development the adrenals are exactly the same size as the kidneys and shrunkens at birth and during a persons old age they even reach a size where they can hardly even be seen.
  67. You can remove a large part of your internal organs and still survive. Human body may look fragile but you can still survive with the removal of stomach, spleen, seventy five percentage of liver, eighty percentage of your intestine, one kidney, one lung and even all the organs virtually from the pelvis and the groin. Missing these oragans is the point but it wont kill you.
  68. your left lung usually is smaller than your right lung. Most people who sees the X- ray of their own chest may feel that the left lung has pathology but the truth is the left lung is smaller tahn the right one just to make a room for the heart to accomodate.
  69. The aorta is nearly equal to the daimeter of a garden hose. The average size of a adult heart is about two fists which makes the size of the aorta a lot more impressive and its size has a great function of supplying oxygenated blood to almost all the parts of the body.
  70. Scientist have found about 500 different liver functions. you may not think about your liver except after a long night of drinking, but the liver is one of the body's hardest working, largest and busiest organ. Some functions of the liver are production of bile, Decomposition of red blood cell erythrocytes, plasma protein synthesis, and detoxification.
  71. Womens heart beats faster than that of men. The main reason for this is simply that on average womentend to be smaller than men and have less mass to pump blood to. But women's and men's heart can act quitely different especially when experiencing trauma like heart attack and many treatments that work for men must be adjusted or changed entirely to work for women.
  72. The surface area of a human lung is equal to a tennis court. Inorder to more efficiently oxygenate the blood, the lungs are filled with thousands of branching bronchii and a tiny grape like alveoli. These are filled with microscopic capillaries with oxygen and carbon di oxide. The large amount of surface area makes it easier for this exchange to take place, and make sure you stay properly oxygented at all the times.
  73. You get a new stomach linning every three to four days. The mucus like cells lining the walls of the stomach would soon dissolve due to the strongest digestive acids in your stomach if they weren't constantly replaced. those with ulcers know how painful it can be when stomach acid takes its toll on the linning of your stomach.
  74. Human body is estimated to have sixty thousand miles of bloos vessels. To put that in perspective, the distance around the earth is about twenty five thousand miles, making the distance your blood vessels could travel if laid ens to end more than two times around the earth.
  75. The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades. While you shouldn't test the fortitude of your stomach by eating a razor balde or any other metal object for that matter, the acids taht digest your food are not meant to be taken lightly. Hydrochloric acid, the type of acid found in your stomach, is not only a good dissolving agent which is good in dissolving your sphahettii's which you had for dinner but can also eat through many types of metals and when they dont get food they even will eat your own stoamch and intestinal walls and that it may cause acute to chronic ulcerations of your stomach. And the largest organ of the human body is the small intestine and despite being called the small intestine of the two intestine present it is usually four times taller as the size of the adult's whole height. As a matter of fact if the intestine is not looped up and fitted in to the abdominal cavity they wont fit inside the abdomen.

I guess just like me you will also be astonished with these unknown fact about our own human body and next time before you proceed with something that may cause considerable changes to your body do take these facts in to consideration. so thats all for today guys! see you all soon with another article. Take care guys !

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