Look inward

Published by flag-vn Jen VuHuong — 7 years ago

Blog: EmpoweringLeaders journey
Tags: General

On the journey of travelling, we may have some kinds of feeling -what is missing.

If there is anytime you have felt that way, maybe it is time for being more content on what are you doing. You may have a lot of plans, you may have a lot of ideas. You try to build these ideas. You create big pictures.

We then realise one day that we need to start just a thing first, but the big picture is still gonna be there.

Just start with one thing and master it so well. Make it international level. 

Just one thing that you do exceptional well. 

Maybe the things you do exceptional well is to giving people idea and bring the joy to life.

It can be that simple.

But get started.

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