How to eat Mexican food, how i from my point of view experienced Mexico
I am not at ny more student but found fun here as was sailing as Merchant marine high officer after graduating in Dubrovnik Merchant Marine high school.
Sailed nearly 30 years world wide, so story was when was a bit more then 21 or so as young officer in Tampico, Mexico, it is medium size city in the Gulf of Mexico means on Atlantic side nice not so big city, I decided to eat some shrimps, so enter one restaurant enter to eat something and ordered jumbo schrimps, On my surprise waiter ask me do I want it made Mexican way, i was puzzled and say sure, he was so happy and I wonder what is this now as like test all native foods way of making , but this was no wise, as when he brought plate I just took 1 schrimp, I no eat it with so many forks knives, as I am born in Dubrovnik and know what is fish and best way to eat that is with fingers and wash with lemon fingers waiter provide afterwards, so touch only with tongue and fire hit me that is not possible to stop, as sure it was with that nice small hot is not word peppers stronger then TNT
What a fun, told waiter me water please bring lot of water I am in fire,gallon almost, no beer help, i will always remember that and how Mexican people even ones poor are so happy and singing, big city also I was in Mazatlan and Acapulco full of rich Americans but that expensive hotels you have in any country its no typical that you find there how local eat and live, its fenced so you from my point of view can be in your country as all that hotels cost a lot a night and are same its comercial more and some other but this is in Gulf of Mexico typical Mexican city, sure one have be always when far caution but not what you read on newspapers or saw on TV can describe certain places, well more people travel and read books more, and more stereotypes of certain countries melted away, when you see it with your own eyes, i no want but obey local regulations as any country have its own, and if saw trouble people fighting for nothing in fact wise is move as foreigneraway in any country not only there, what you should care or interfere. just wish that more young people have opportunity to educaation everywhere, world will be better place for sure,
If I can add what I experienced many times especially in Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Greece Krete island and many more, and on one hope will united soon,Turks and Greeks, Cyprus point is that best fish restaurants and cheapest are not ones with fancy decoration, napkins ect and fish fromso old you can feel it who know how many months and from where came from, no can cheat me that decoration they polace when you eat olastic no fish it came from other continent, but go to simple looking homely ones where fishermen docked ships close, you can be sure will eat delicious fresh fish and will not pay much, while at fanvy decorated fish restaurants , fish will be as plastic but decoration high and prices, so depend what you prefere, haha, anfd more about Merxico one when travel there and see with his own eyes all stereotipe from TV looks like rediculues, sure there are as everywhere some people lets say not obeying low but you cannot say all is like that. Its country raising in inustry and standards every years, I remember beetle volksvagen car famous German one was, originally last stop producing exactly in Mexico. I also when in any foreign country want to try dish ordinary people eat, all we know tortilla is theiresymbol of Mexico , so in street kiosk they made I i want to see what is it like, previouslaly I thought its soft fread and inside ingredients and minced meat, but that let say bread is no soft at all , but cannot say at all tortila is no good as its national dish ordinary people eat it every day so i say a im also going to try when they can I also can.
After that I was many times in Mexico bigger cities but one I particulary remember in Baia California, it was long bay wit peninsula , not california in USA what before belong to Mexico as many now US states you can see many Spanish names of cities.
But there in Bahia California, it was really in the middle of nowhere just one conveyor belt small pier only hal ship can come alongside and we load gipsum materila use also fo building as they have it a lo mountins of it and export it. When we were loaded set sail and on weather forecast saw that hurivcane was heading straight to entrance of that Baia California, before we sail local pilots also saw it and assured us that many decades or so no huricane enter into Baia, well it was statistic, so we proceed and with great caution, as huricane was not changing path but headinstraight to that entrance bay where it will hit land, we start already feel that sea vawes coming bigger and bigger barometer reading were quickly falling dow so what Captain decid was to turn back in Baia as was lon not to atempt and risk to pass ahead of huricane even if you have great speed you must slow down, as vawes are coming from aproching direction of huricane so you can break ship and engine. Only what can do turn back drop anchor and wait til beast hit land and dissipate and then slowly causionaly continue journey following weatre chart as is known that it can made loop and surprise nasty you.
Hasta la Visa from Niksa
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