Happy Three years!

Published by flag- Tanyeli Melody Pindell — 11 years ago

Blog: Daily Life: Adana
Tags: General

Today, October 29, marks the 3rd year I have lived in Turkey. 

Looking back on it now, I believe time flew, especially this past year and a half. I rememebr when i frist came to Turkey, not knowing anything at all, especially a lick of Turkish. I didn't even reaize that Turkish going to be pretty hard, as well as that a language barrier at the time was going to play a huge role on me.

I rememebred having to finish my last semester of high school in a private school, going to my class of only 7 classmates ( 2 of them guys and the others being girls.) Studying in the foreign langues department, I could barely speak to my classmates since they didn't understand that much English, so I could only communicate with the English teachers to a certain degree. I remember just being happy that I could at least somewhat communicate with someone that was outside of family. 

I rememebred that I longed for the need to venture out in Adana, just to have a better understanding of where I was living since I couldn't go out much with school being from 8 a.m. til 4:30p.m. 

I didn't realize how different Turkish culture was and at first, I honeslty wasn't a fan of it because of living in a very laid back country, I didn't like certain characteristics that was more prominent in some of the locals. 

But eventually, I begin to slowly understand Turkish, I was getting to the point where I could understand what the other teachers were teaching, becasue only the English teachers knew English while the others only could speak in Turkish. i would try to speak with them with my limited Turkish, even if I could only do basic of the basic communication. It was something that made me very happy. 

Now embarking on the completion of my 3rd year, I feel so much to be thankful for. I am studying abroad, I get to learn a foreign language, live in a foreign country. Even though i have been used to living in other countries of my father's previous jobs concerning the military. It was different because of the Culture in Turkey. Something that no mater, how much you sit down and research and read about, can not be the same as going out of your way and visiting. 

When I first came here, I didn't know what to think, but now I have so much to say. I know i am not here as an Erasmus student, but i might as well be.  There are times that I do feel out of place, but I try my best to think positive and keep myself feeling like i am a part of the team.  

Turkey is wonderful, what I have seen of it so far, I hope that I will be able to see more.

I hope maybe I could help any erasmus students out with any questions. i could also answer questions in a blog post if needed or wanted by anyone. Just let me know!

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