Happy birthday, Bojane
My dear Bojan, I know you won't be reading this tonight and probably not tomorrow, maybe not even the day after that, because knowing this is a big event and it requires a big party and a lot of alcohol, you'll get sober enough to read only in a couple of days. If it turns out it is not so, then, my dear Bojan, I must tell you, you have a problem.
For your birthday, I knew I had to do something, not just post a "happy birthday" on your facebook wall, but I didn't know what... We already made a video for you, so that was off. To sing you a happy birthday song - you heard me sing, too many times, and I didn't want to give you a headache for your birthday so that was off too.
And then I remembered the bojanka (coloring book) which brings out so many memories and where you wrote me a goodbye note which, I never told you that, brought tears to my eyes. So, here is my "note" to you :)
You know, I don't even remember when was the first time I met you, or how it happened, when was that first moment I saw your beardy face and heard your thundering voice. Well, I probably heard your voice before I saw your face, it was hard not to. I think I asked you 2 or 3 times how we met and you told me, but you know me, I have concentration of a 3-year old girl and memory of an old lady. But I guess the reason why I didn't remember that glorious moment was because I didn't know we are gonna become such good friends... I had no idea. Or, there is another possibility, which sounds like something you and me would do: we got so drunk we forgot everything from that night. What do you think, which is the more probable option? :D
Now it doesn't matter anyway, what matters is that I remember so many moments we spent together and I don't remember any that was serious or sad or, let's say, normal. Starting from the first semester
in which, unfortunately, we didn't hang out much (I still wonder why; I guess our paths just weren't meant to cross yet - if they did, I don't know what would the end of our Erasmus look like, honestly), through the whole second semester in which we got to the point of finishing each others sentences and knowing what each other is thinking just by a look,
till the end of living in Brno,
you made my Erasmus better than it could ever be. Thank you, my dear drunkass.
I'll never forget the conversations we were leading. Do you remember how they were always about something stupid or when they weren't, we made them stupid?
How we always talked about alcohol, thinking how we will get drunk or remembering how we got drunk the night before?
How everything we didn't like or didn't do was for fools? How we constantly made fun of ourselves?
I miss those times: our crazy talks; your loud knocking on my door and going to the reception to buy sandwiches; saying angry bad words about Mr. Dobry Den and his wake-up talks in the morning but still thinking he's the best and funniest receptionist ever; watching your soccer games, Mr. Captain; going to Santana for a beer and coming back home after a couple of hours completely wasted;
the beer marathon; laughing at my visa problems; silly ideas only your (and sometimes my) brain could come up with; and so much more... I think I will always remember your soccer matches, your famous hand-on-the-back-like-I-suffered-a-back-injury pose while slowly walking in the field and yelling at your players for not running or making mistakes or whatever you would come up with.
And of course, the warm-up before the game: sitting on the bench and drinking beer. I think that although your team was losing most of the time, your players really loved their captain.
My dear Bojan, you were truly a great friend, not only for fooling around but for everything I needed: to take my mind off some things that were bothering me, to laugh at serious things and make them appear insignificant and not important, to make me feel good when I felt down, to lend me money and not asking the next day to return it, to listen to my crazy talks and just to be there for me, no matter what stupid thing it was about. What else could one want from a friend? :)
But the best thing is, this didn't end that day we left Brno. You were in India, I was in Ireland, different timezones: we stayed in touch. Now you're in Macedonia, I'm in Croatia: you keep me informed about your soccer successes and everyday life, I keep you informed about my life of a president and everyday problems. I've had so many friends during my Erasmus, but just with a few of them I keep in touch so often. And although far away, you still make me cry of laughter.
And now, what to wish you for your birthday, Bojaneeee? All the luck in the Olimpic games? We all know you don't need that, you're a born winner. Better soccer skills, or at least those of a goal keeper? Ah, all the skills a soccer player can have are those you possess. More adventures? Bitch please, not only you survived a summer in India but who hasn't heard of Adventures of Mr. Masevski? So then, health maybe... But I don't know, if you returned home healthy after a whole year of Erasmus (sweet Czech food that is salty in every other culture in the world and several...hmmm...destruction of liver, let's call it that), I guess you will be healthy forever. A girlfriend? Pfffff, like you ever had just one (only joking, girls).
I don't know, Bojan, what could I wish for you that you don't already have? I guess nothing, but to stay the way you are because you're awesome. The goals you have in your life - reach them and go beyond. The good sides of you - keep them. The bad ones - keep them as well, they make you a person you are (no place for angels on this world, right?). Your dreams - let them come true and keep on dreaming. Laugh and smile and be happy because everything else is for fools! ;)
I wish you a happy birthday, my dear friend, from all of my heart, the happiest so far. Miss you lots and lots and will definitely drink one for you today.
Love, hugs and kisses from your Vale =)
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- Español: Feliz cumpleaños, Bojane
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Comments (4 comments)
This is beautiful Valentina. Bojan's a lucky guy! Nicely written. See you around! Big kisses from Brazil!
Thank you, Paulo :) There are so many more memories, but have to keep it short haha :D See youuuu :)))
That's wonderful, kapustochka! Made me relive once again some awesome moments of our Erasmus. Miss you and Bojanchik and hope see you around :-)
Kapustochka! Miss you too! Don't forget about our 1-year trip, hope you'll learning how to juggle :D