Habits formation

Published by flag-vn Jen VuHuong — 7 years ago

Blog: EmpoweringLeaders journey
Tags: General

3Rs of a habit?

How a habit is formed?

We all know that habits are the things we do automatically such as driving a car or crossing a traffic light when it is green light. Habits decide what we get in life then the quality of our life. There are good habits such as doing exercises, bad habits like eating unhealthy food in late evening. 

If we know how a habit is formed, we know how to create new empowering habits and break bad habits.

Let's talk about the 3Rs of a habit creation.

1. Reminder 

2. Routine 

3. Reward 

Example of a habit such as eating late in the evening - Going home, feeling tired and alone so eating that you think making you feel good.

However in the long-term you don't feel good.

To break a bad habit:

- Identify the habits, describe him or her 

- Identify the stories context related 

- Replace the triggers such as putting your shoes or other healthy food

- Identify all the disadvantages of that 

To form new habit such as doing exercise:

- Need to have the triggers, reminders (stickers, alarm, friends coaches mentors)

- Need to identify all the advantages of that 

- Reward yourself (tick the box or increase the number recording)

My friend did the record for his running.

He could run 24km by doing it. By the way you don't need to run that long. Start small but stay consitence. Using trigger more often to keep yourself stay consitence.

To help you identify your bad habits, empowering habits and build then sustain them, I design a habit course for you. You can check out the free trial by joining us in the link below. Or you can join the mastermind group so you can have accountability and attend our mastermind everweek.

With that you nonstop taking action, nonstop love, live and give.


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