Four Inspiring Reasons Why You Should Get Your Diploma
If you are in college or thinking about going to college, there are times where you may feel up to the neck in work and less than enthusiastic to continue or begin. You may be looking at all of the bills that seem to be piling up which may only leave you to wonder why you ever thought going to college in the first place, or to think that attending college was a good idea. A diploma does not guarantee you a proper job in today's global economy, and more and more people are deciding to give up and move on. On the other hand, you may just be experiencing the opposite way of thinking. While you may understand that going to college today is not as promising as it once was in terms of job placement, you would rather have one than not. Even without the guarantee of job placement, statistics still show an increase of salary for people who have finished college versus those who have not.
The modern world encourages individuals to think logically about decisions, and it is no coincidence that many of these decisions involve finances. In the process of these decisions, though, we have lost something very valuable: our hearts. In this article we explain four inspiring reasons why you should get your diploma.
A Good Role Model
If you ever plan on having children, or see yourself as an aunt and an uncle, or present in anyone's life, sticking it to the end and getting your diploma will tell them wonders. It tells them that you worked extremely hard on your education and that you didn't give up. It tells the people you care about the most to not give up. In the long run, showing that you had the willpower and dedication many do not possess is much more powerful than choosing the easier path. It just may encourage those you love to try their very best. The least we should always do is try.
Enrich Your Life
Having a diploma means more than just a paper in your file cabinet or a framed image on your wall. When people go to college, they learn more about the world and stretch themselves to places they have never been before. When this happens, people tend to be more able to analyze themselves and what is around them with a greater amount of insight. When you are highly educated, you have the ability to absorb life at a much deeper level than you would otherwise.
Live With No Regrets
To live without regrets is something many people strive for. It means that you have lived without fear. Although left-brained, logical decisions often have the long term in mind, many are based off of fear. If you end college because you fear that debts may consume you, or that perfect job is not guaranteed, or otherwise, that is a decision is based off of fear. Although school is expensive and jobs are not guaranteed, nothing else in life is either. Sticking it to the end of your college years can be a demonstration of your hope for the future and desire to experience regardless of outcome. When fear does not control you, not much else can.
A Luxurious Opportunity
Many people in college forget that they have been given the opportunity of a lifetime. Whether you are paying your way through, have been given scholarships, or come from a wealthy family, you have been given the opportunity not everyone can have. Many parts of the world cannot afford a university, nor can the people that are a part of these communities. Many are not able to even earn the education High School offers. Some people are in a war-torn environment and may not live a long time, let alone be able to think about college. Some people live under institutions that discriminate against them which do not allow them to dream of such an education. When or if you are feeling negatively about college, one of the wisest things you could do is to remind yourself of all that you have been given, instead of the hardships, burdens, and uncertainties.
If you are thinking of college in general, there are many things that society has taught us to think about, many of which consider finances. Unfortunately, this has switched many people's thinking from having a romanticized idea of college, to being constantly overwhelmed with money and taking cautious decisions every step of the way. While these are good things if you are looking to save money, they have dampened our spirits. It is important to remember how much college can give us: that it can enrich our lives, teach you to live with no regrets, and allow you to be a good role model for everyone you care about. You can change the lives of the people you love the most. Not everyone, as we must often reminded ourselves, has as great an opportunity as college, let alone the window it offers known as: the diploma.
About the author:
James Sonny is a content writer based out of Las Vegas, Nevada.
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