Find your MUST

Published by flag-vn Jen VuHuong — 7 years ago

Blog: EmpoweringLeaders journey
Tags: General

Find your MUST 
In the first book I call my second sister is MUST 
I remember Sophie, an English friend kept asking me about it as it doesn’t really make sense in English in general when you call someone your MUST.
I however couldn’t find a better word. She devoted her life and always helped others and never expected anyone to do anything for her. Thinking about her broken legs and shiny smile, I knew I must do what I want to do, live a life that make her proud of me…
…in the recent research-based book, Brendon also talked about all successful achievers have a person they find for …
Even you don’t know what is your purpose – what is the one person that you feel you MUST do something for even they don’t need that but if you can do it you are your best, the person will be proud of you?

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