Day 27- Do or Speak

Published by flag-vn Jen VuHuong — 7 years ago

Blog: EmpoweringLeaders journey
Tags: General

Yesterday I watched a video of Tom Bileu and found it is so interesting the way he put his previous experience - he wanted to do his dream but he seemed to just pretend and wanted to feel good about himself - he then decided to either do it for real - execute it or just pretend of doing it.

When the dream gets bigger, there are more opportunities for us to be in that case. Even though we would find the way to connect the dots.

I have worked on my dream over the last 3 years, there is no way to stop doing it now. The only way is to continue, keep doing it, never let it die in the day life. 

Some notes to make it happen:

- Learn, be a learner, as long as you are a learner, you don't need to feel not good about yourself when you are around expert 

- Take action, execute it 

Today the action is to put the online course out there. 

How to have optimal energy. People often asked why do I had that such energy, I used to think it was normal. However, only the time when I would see my energy is deluted I would know the reason. When I had a clear vision for myself, nothing would stop me and nothing would bother me, only positive energy. 

The power of deciding who you are. 

Practices for energy:

- Water 

- Attitude 

- Triggers

- Exercise

- Reasons/Results 

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