Consistent and be opened to great opportunities - real and appealing

Published by flag-vn Jen VuHuong — 7 years ago

Blog: EmpoweringLeaders journey
Tags: General

We properly have our dreams, our goals and we all know that we would work our whole life to make it happen.

But sometimes we also need to be responsible for people who we love. I was in the moment where my necessity is really high and for these days it seems to be reduced. 

Imagine somebody puts the gun in your head and you need to make it happen? Or if they do anything with your loved ones (a bit strong example but imagine that)? How would you do things differently?

Instead of being weak and ask for people help in the weak frequency, you raise your values and ask people for what they think about your values - period.

Just decide who you want to become and from that point, live up to that person. 

If you want to have CLARITY about it, you can use the model WHY DO YOU KNOW LOVE HELP?

Do what you do - your roles 

Know what you do - your skills 

Love what you do - put all in (if you do it why don't you do your best)

Help people by what you do 

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