And the 4th day arrives: this time more party, but good party.
Another sunny day in Turku and around eleven in the morning, I woke up. And Iwas Saturday already!!
It was a cassuality but Till and me woke up at the same time. We were watching freaky staff at the computer, but before we were having breakfast and we were eating some home products made by his mother that he had brought from Germany. We were talking about plenty of things, like metal musica, about our cities, about aour experiences in music festivals and so on. We were also watching and AC/DC concert which it was shot at La Plata, Argentina and he has downloaded. When I was tired to be there I went to Home, I thanked him everything and I told him that we will meet another day. Probably today, because it was the birthday of a french girls she was going to celebrate a BBQ at his home, in a place somewhere in the city.
In the way to home, I was picking up cans and bottles, with the aim of recycle them in a supermarket and get some money, such as, I took advantage of the way back home. And all the way from the Student Village towards the city center gave its result and I was able to full two bags completely. Actually, i have to take into account that the last night was a stundents party or I do not remember exactly what staff happened there, but the city was full of cans and bottles.
When I arrived home, I started to question myself about what to do for the rest of the day. On one hand, It was the barbeque organized by the french girl at the place where she lived, then I have been told about that she lived at Varissuo, a residential area at the suburbs of Turku, a place what is quite fucking far away from everything. On the other hand, I received a phone call from Eloy telling me about it was a concert at Klubi, a Club that celebrates concerts and became in a Disco sometimes and what I have already wrote about this place in this web.
Finnaly I decided go with Eloy, I did not act so well with him going out the last night on my own without count with no body, I thought. And the right thing is that I watched the guy kind of sad that night because I left him alone, although I know that he took it easy XD. The concert was of Cannabis Corpse and anothe two other finnish bands of a style that could be considered a mix between Brutal-Death-Core Metal, Cannibal Accident and Axegressor if I do not remember bad at all. Simple it was awesome, typical death in huge amounts and a really nice atmospheres, the fact of being Saturday I think it was an important factor. During the pass of the night, some finnish guys approach us and they started to chat up with us. We were talking about the typical things, about where we were from, about for them was incredible watch people from other countries there, about they got on well with us a lot and... they invited to join them to smoke some weed so we went out to share some joints. The guy who approached us was called Johannes, he was ther with other two friends, I will meet one of them in other time, Santiago Kontio was his name. Outside Klubi, they have put several high tables so you can be there drinking outside with any problem and we were there, tanking about our things and this staff. Meanwhile we were outside, a girl who listened to us talking in Spanish approached to us. Apparentely she had also Swedish nationality and she worked in London, she was really nice and friendly.
After she, we say goodbye to the three guys of before. But we didn't late too much in start to chatting up with more people. First with a Metalblackhead, who I said hello because of the fact of wearing a T-shirt of Bathory, I was a moment talking with him meanwhile Eloy continued saying goodbye to the other guys. This guy even invited us to join them and his groups of friends, an option that seemed too much interesting because in his group of friends were some girls with a curious and attractive aspect. Option that besides, we would have accept without thinking about it if two finnish girls would not have joined us during the rest of the night until we meet again with the rest of the spanish people. Mariana and Alexinina were their names, both spoke spanish and both were upseting us all the night long. We got the conclusion that she were a knid of Spanish-lovers or something. We also meet around there a finnish gyu has been living in Barcelona for six years, kaitsu was his name, and he was a really importunate guy.
After Klubi, we wento to Kauppatori to meet with the rest of the spanish people, who have been at Amarillo all the night long. They were talking about going to post-partying at the Student Village. Eloy and me went there later, because Eloy felt like hesburguer, I do not if I have still talked about Hesburguer, just annouce that is a Finnish chain of burguer-restaurants. When we arrived there, to the Student Village, they were leaving in a Taxi, which Eloy and me did not want to go up, It was pretty late high hours in the night so it was better waiting for the bus. During the coming back to Kauppatori, dawning already, I was picking up cans an bottles (yes, again). So what... it was the better way to leave the time pass. We will arrive to our houses around six in the morning.
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Comments (2 comments)
Fucking party animal dude!
Hola Alberto, soy la española/sueca que mencionas en tu blog. Podrías por favor quitar mi nombre de tu entrada del blog? Muchas gracias :)