TO AFRAID TO TRY - Applied and chose the country were you are going to have your best adventure

Published by flag-pt Joana Lima — 7 years ago

Blog: To afraid to try
Tags: Erasmus tips

  Hello my name is Joana and i'm 20.In addition to the basics information about my height , my eating habits and hobbies there's a lot more to say.

  Since whenever i traveled and loved the experience, but i've always done with my parents and my friends and i could never choose absolutely everything i wanted to do and see.

  So this year , as there was a lot going on in my life i decided i wanted to be a blank page , star over and be exactly what i wanted to be.

  So i applied for the Erasmus programs and chose a place well away of everything i knew: Brazil. But that country no longer appear on my list after my mother realized that  if something happens to me we were  going to be separated by a large ocean and 12 long hours of flight.

  Deleted this option i decided to choose a place by temperature: hot enought to run at night. I eliminated this way Poland and left me to Italy and France. Both members of the European Union, far away from home but at the same time quite close to that.           Let's discuss options: In Italy i would live in Rome, one of the most exiting places to study with a lot of night life. Learning italian was a dream and for me the Italian gastronomy is the best in the World so improving my cooking skills about pasta and lasagne were a very good option. On the other hand i had France, a litle village called Bordeaux were i would learn the third more important language in the world. I would have classes in a Xangai ranking institution in english and recive an important amount of certificates. Off course, thinking in my future I went with the second one .

  Why did i followed the one that seems the boring one ? Normally people think that Erasmus is just to spend money in another country party all night long but not for me.To me this programme is to learn and improve a lot of skills, knowing new people and socializing. I want to speak English like a native and french like Asterix and Obelix; i want to improve my cooking skills and learn how to be alone and thing to myself. Obviously i will party a lot of nights and explore this wonderfull and cheap night life but i will have to study to. Being in a very important school and do master classes for my bachelor course (because of my equivalences) will give me tones of work and have good results also takes a lot of hours of study.  

  The first days were though cause i didn't knew nobody, i had nobody to ask any favors and help me out with the bags (see the text about:what to take ) and i didn't had an apartment/room to stay ( see the text about acommodation). I slept in a lot of strangers sofas and i admite, some times i sad to my self : What the hell are you doing hereeee???!

On week after and a lot of phonecalls (sorry Dady for the telephone account in the end of the month), some visits and a lot, A LOT of emails i finally did it. I finally found a place to sleep the rest of the months left for this adventure have a end.


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