Three Good Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad

Published by flag-ph Rhomir Yanquiling — 6 years ago

Blog: Tripscapades
Tags: Erasmus tips

Three Good Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad

"Missed opportunities."

That's how I describe the last eight years of my life when I decided not to grab the opportunities that were presented to me by various organizations to study in foreign soil. I was too young then and perhaps lacked enough courage and resolution to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. Perhaps I was just scared to try my hand on new things and explore what the outside world offers. I was then a "prisoner" of my own bubble. 

On Fulfilling My Heart's Wish

Fast forward...It took several years before I stood up to the challenge and finally got out of my cocoon and welcome the brand new opportunities which I think was intendedly brought before me by some divine interventions in order to give me a second chance to experience what I have previously called "missed opportunities." If indeed, this is so, then I should be very truly glad.

At the moment I am currently pursuing a master's degree in a development-related field in three European Universities  in order to pursue my passion to be a part of the ambitious project of "making the world a better place to live in."

I had no regrets making up my mind to study in a foreing land, eventually bidding goodbye to things which I deeply cherish, being grateful to have waved farewell and conveyed a sweet adiue from some people who, in a way or another, have been a part of my life in the Philippines. I know that this decision of mine had to be traded off with some "equally significant opportunities" at home. But what can I say? Life, as they say, can be full of "trade-offs." You win some, you lose some. But certainly you can't have it all.    

Let me pose this question to you. Have you ever tried considering studying abroad? If you had, then I should congratulate you for stepping forward and having tried to get out of your comfort zone. There are a number of good reasons why you should study abroad. I wish to speak on the basis of what I experienced personally. I believe these are some of most important reasons why you should give a second thought on studying abroad.Let me discuss them briefly.

Free Your Mindset and Expand Your Worldview

Studying abroad offers wonderful opportunities to get acquainted with other people's culture and customs. It enables you to broaden your understanding and expand your viewpoints on different aspects of life. It gives you the chance to understand why people from other culture behave differently from us. There are good reasons to believe that people from different cultures in general are more similar than different, a realization which is only possible if they interact more frequently and get to know each other more deeply. More often than not, the members of your classes are from different countries who bring with them different personalities and idiosyncracies. Having said that, when you maximize every opportunity to act and interact with them, you would realize tremendously that there are lots of things to be learned from other people. Delving deeply into other people's viewpoints, worldviews and perceptions on different aspects of life will make you ponder upon the great diversity that exists in this world, that there is no single correct belief and that there is no single correct way of doing things. Truly, the world is not conceived as a single pattern but rather a rich kaleidoscope of different colours, patterns and textures. You would be able to appreciate this fully if you meet friends from other nations and get acquainted with their culture and beliefs. In the cohort where I belong, we were from around ten countries with lecturers from different nationalities. Below is the picture of Corvinus University at Budapest, Hungary where I have spent my first semester in 2016. At the left side is the Salt Building where some of our classes were conducted.



Broaden Your Intellectual Horizon

If you think you know enough, you are gravely mistaken. Smart people are everywhere and you can usually find them in the great halls of learning across universities in the different parts of the globe. It is rather a common observation that young students in a certain country who have not experienced travelling outside his locality nor tried to join multicultural forum are without practical sense on how to deal with situations requiring intercultural interactions.

Studying abroad is definitely a great channel in order to broaden one's intellectual understanding of the chosen field. Specialists typically abound in great universities of learning. They can help you to acquire an in-depth treament of your chosen field of specialization. It also exposes you to people who shares the same interest and therefore learn from their professional experiences.

Our professors and lecturers in our classes are truly amazing and wonderful people who are willing to share their expertise and knowledge to young students like us. 


Travel and Explore the World

One of the best but incidental and exciting part of studying in a foreign land is the opportunity to travel to the different parts of your host country and neighbouring regions. Just because you are a foreign land to study does not necessarily mean that you should spend all your time pouring over your books, writing assignments and exams. Studying abroad is not at all confined entirely within the four corners of the classroom. All work and no play will sooner or later not only make you dull but stupid as well. Getting out of your room, exploring the world around you and mingling with the locals will bring you fresh perspectives, amplify your space of interaction, forge friendships and even learn a new language. 

I would say that I have one of the best experiences in Budapest, Hungary. I get to tour around the city and see its scenic spots. Budapest is really a wonderful city, full of surprises. Below is the picture of Hill Castle which I have taken while I was in Budapest. The castle which is open to the public is really among the most beautiful castles I have ever seen.



If you are still having some doubts whether or not to study abroad, think no further. It is high time for you to get out of your shell and prepare for new challenges ahead. Most of the times opportunities knock but once. So when it knocks upon your door, be prepared to open it and surely the world will welcome you with a great smile.

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