Kutná Hora- Chapel of the Bones!

Published by flag-ie Sarah Downes — 11 years ago

Blog: Czeching out Prague!
Tags: Erasmus tips

Them bones, them bones need calcium!

Kutná Hora- Chapel of the Bones

It’s always nice to escape from the hustle and bustle of Prague ,the monotonous voice on metros “Příští zastávka: Skalka!” ,the overpowering smell of hotdogs on Wenceslas Square and not to mention the African men chanting “come to Goldfingers!”. So we decided to venture to somewhere pretty dead to say the least-Kutná Hora.  Ciara and I visited the chapel of the bones in Kutná Hora where we were greeted by the remains of 40,000 people! A shiver ran down my spine as the hollow eyes glared at me from every angle.Surrounded by staring skulls is not for the faint hearted! A chandelier composed or decomposed from 1000′s of bones hung from the ceiling! An angel sat on top of the chandelier playing air guitar or something of the sort! As well as a chandelier there are strings of skulls swooping down from the ceiling in a decorative manner. A coat of arms of the Schwarzenburg family is bone-tastic!  A raven plucking an eye from the eye socket represents the victory over the Turks. An eery, creepy church, imagine saying “I do” with the remains of 40,000 people as witnesses! Eh….No thanks! Keeping with the church theme we visited St.Barbara’s  cathedral. This huge gothic style church is an extremely impressive landmark for one of the most Atheist countries in the world! An instant air of calmness comes over me as I step inside this cathedral, stain glassed windows send hues of colours dancing on the floor.   The interior of the church is beautiful with frescoes dominating the walls, some of the frescoes are medieval and depict the mining past of this town. Saint Barbara herself was the patron saint of miners. The sheer volume of the cathedral makes me feel small and insignificant to the world! After lighting a wee candle we set off on our merry way to explore this ghost town. A little antique shop sent us back in time as we delved into treasure chests of family heirlooms. All this exploring of the past worked up an appetite and no better friend than a french crepe washed down by a latté!

Why didn’t the skeleton go to the disco?….because he had no body to go with!   CRINGE! ( Couldn’t help it!)

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