Just do it... 2º part
As I said in the previous article, this Erasmus in Łódź 2012/13, has left to me (and my four partners who were with me that day) an experience that I´m sure that I will never forget and it reaffirms my attitude with which I take all around me: "Just do it". Thanks to the Erasmus experience, I could go along with three partners to Wroclaw and meet the protagonist of the previous article.
I have to continue this story and as this man said, he run more or less 244 marathons and all of these after becoming homeless, having to emigrate to Germany because he had a continuous repression in Poland against anyone who did not think the same as the Communist Party.
In Germany, with still a lot of nazi´s consequences after the Second World War, it was where he discovered a detail that not many people know nowadays and when we told us we were very surprised. He said that Hitler had Jewish ancestry and therefore he was also Jewish in part. The Hitler´s father had a Jewish father, so, the Hitler's grandfather was Jewish, so the Austrian dictator was Jewish also (in part). Moreover, his DNA samples analyzed after years, have come to the conclusion that Hitler had components that are only observed in Jewish people, so there is no doubt in his race ancestry. But this man, a marathon runner, also told us that most of those who ruled in that German government were Jews, so, the nazi party and many leaders had Jewish ancestry and this is something that if you research by Internet seems demonstrated. Of course the polish officials were also Jews and that is the reason why Germany want to destroy Poland too, to "purify" the world, destroying jews and leaving only the Aryan race, the only pure race on earth and therefore deserved to be alive and reproduce (paradoxical that he was not pure).
After this controversial data, the protagonist of this story, began criticizing communism and naming important and very famous Polish people (many of them from the city where we were), such as Stanislaw Ulam (he was a mathematician that with Teller, were the basis for the creation of the nuclear bomb, which was launch by the United States, winning the war); Kazimierz Kuratowski (important Polish mathematician and logician who invented the Kuratowski theorem in the use of graphs); Jakoc Wolfowitz (important person in decision theories) or Alfred Tarski (logician and mathematician who collaborated in the field of language and metalanguage) were part of the intellectual elite of the time, all of them Polish people and not supported by the communist government and some even put in prison, before going to the United States to have a chance to show the world that the communist party was wrong. Here in the U. S. they won, because they worth and they demonstrated it. Most of all these important mathematical and physical were nationalized.
The most important person of the last list was Ulam for his important collaboration in the atomic bomb creation in the words of the vagabond, and was created in the underground floor of Wrocław, and this I can find when I research by Internet a little. I don´t know why the government acted at this way with its brightest men and women in Poland, but it was happening and no one could help until the fall of the communist party in Poland in 1989.
He said that has a brother in Australia, who has several luxury homes and a good job and telling us his successful life within the meaning of work, preparation and money, the only option to finish being a vagabond in his hometown, Wrocław, was simply his decision, because right now he could have a good salary and a good house, but he was disappointed by everything he saw around him, and that's what make him to forget everything he had and live this life of freedom that now live. After this, he said: "this is my mission", informing people the truth of the world and make them see that things are not as we see it.
It was easy get excited because the man was a fighter who still believes in himself and show us that you can get everything in life if you want. He went on saying that Spanish were ignorant thinking that the country is in crisis and Poland was growing so well. He said, did not you look what is happening around you? People have jobs and money, and can make a life with enough quality and not too many worries. In Poland, the crisis supposedly has not arrived and Polish people are much worse than Spanish ones, but the newspapers and the media want to we believe that Poland is the most prosperous country in Europe and others like Spain and Italy are in a huge crisis and poverty. He said that if as we can see people ate outside, go to see movies, travel very often and buying new cars, how it´s possible that the unemployment rate is 26%, that is more than a quarter of the population in the country. The answer is that data are not clear, but we continue believe in mass media and everything parties and other people say, and this is our problem too.
Furthermore, he shows us how today everything is still a lie and for example he told us that the fact in which Polish president, Lech Kaczynski and now died and with his wife and several senior government officials, were killed in 2010 for a supposed crash-landed in the Smolensk airport in western Russia. He told us what a coincidence, that in those months had been many presidents and nothing had happened, but what a casuality that day the crash landing was for the weather, and that day was nor fog neither wind, and what a coincidence that Russia did not give information about who exactly were on the plane, and was Poland the country that investigate each passenger individually. Too many coincidences and casuality or not in Russia, an historical enemy for many years.
Finally, leaving these kind of "truths" that no one wants to show, he said that he has been in countries as Spain or Brazil; the first one because he loved Gaudí and his works and the second for Brazilian music, which remember that he has been all his life related to music because of their work. The samba makes him crazy and started singing a song. I have to mention this because the man was happy as it was at that moment. Happily, he tells that he likes art, music and literature and was proud showing his almost twenty marathons medals collected. It was when he said one of his last words to remember: "I'm the strongest man in the world", because if I want I can do whatever I decide. Because "just do it", because I can, because everything can be possible, because if you believe in yourself you can get your objective. It does not matter your economic conditions or whether you have a huge house. The important thing is that you can get whatever you want whenever you try and put forward it.
I think that everything the great man said was right. He chose to be living on the street and be a vagabond, because he was disappointing for all around him. But in spite of that, he never makes calm, and started running marathons to be the best. And he started to win and win marathons in his healthy state and age and no one could believe it is possible. That man is an illustration of the "just do it", that nothing is impossible, and that attitude is power.
Just saying that if there was something he could never do was fly, but I was not so sure. The attitude and desire that showed that man despite his condition, the white hair and hard life was not a problem for him and if someone knows its story, and made them think and grow, he would be happy.
The conclusion? I have already thought that attitude is the main power in a person and with a good attitude everything can be possible, but that man has confirmed my thoughts and made us who were listening to his story, changed our view of the world in many aspects and value what lucky we are to be born in a developed country. We ares still students but soon it will start that world in that if you want to get something you have to work and have a decent salary.
So... We can get our objectives... Just do it!
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Comments (4 comments)
Se me saltan las lágrimas Antonio
jajaja que grande fue
i m very sad