Czech Language Survival.

Published by flag-ie Sarah Downes — 11 years ago

Blog: Czeching out Prague!
Tags: Erasmus tips

To make the most of your Erasmus experience in Prague, try learn some Czech. There are some excellent tutorials on youtube. Or you could get a tandem language exchange partner for the year.

No excuses, get talking!

1.Basic Greetings

Good Day (formal hello)  Dobrý den (Do-bree Dehn)

Hello (informal)                Ahoj             (Ahoy)

Good-bye (formal)           Na shledanou (Nah skledah-noh)

Nice to meet you           Těší mě         (Tye-shee Mye)

How are you? (informal) Jak se máš? (Yak seh mahsh)

2. Useful Phrases

Thank you           Děkuji           (Dyekooyee)

Please; you´re welcome    Prosím    (Proseem)

Do you speak English?  Mluvíte anglicky? (Mloo-veeteh ahngleetskee)

I don´t speak Czech     Nemluvím česky     (Neh-mloo-veem cheskee)

I don´t understand        Nerozumím             (Neh-rozoo-meem)

3. The most important phrase that you need!

Ještě jedno pivo, prosím (Yehsh-tyeh yehd-now pih-voh, proh-seem)

One more beer please.

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