Awesome places in Bulgaria

flag-bg Alexandrina Nikolova — 0 people follow the author

Bulgaria is a small country in the east part of Europe, set in the Balkans. It is a true gem that has lots of history, culture and beautiful nature...

Blog posts

  • A day trip to the southeast part of Bulgaria

    This summer I decided to spend more time exploring the beautiful landscapes and historical places in the home country. I was lucky enough to have the time and resources to do so and also with the support of my lovely friends. Thus, we decided to explore the south of...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Bulgaria 5 years ago
  • Plovdiv, the cultural city of Bulgaria

    Plovdiv is one of my favourite Bulgarian cities that I would visit every season. It is the most colourful city with lots of history and culture gathered in it. The city was established many centuries before the birth of Christ and there were many ancient groups of...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Plovdiv 5 years ago
  • A weekend trip in North Central Bulgaria

    In the city of Veliko Tarnovo is one of the oldest settlements on our lands were found and the oldest excavations show that there were settlers on these lands three thousand years ago. Thus, the city of Veliko Tarnovo is for sure one of the oldest cities around. Then,...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Veliko Tarnovo 5 years ago
  • Visiting the magical Seven Rila Lakes

    There are many places in Bulgaria that you will fall in love with and the Seven Rila Lakes is one of those places. Sitting higher than 2000 meters above sea level in the Rila mountain they are one of the most visited natural landmarks in my country. Not only that, but...

    0 , in Erasmus blog Rila 5 years ago

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